►NFormIt | Parent namespace that encompasses all FormIt core functionality |
►NAnalysis | |
►NAutoSave | |
CConfig | |
►NCollaboration | |
CChatMessage | FormIt::Collaboration::ChatMessage struct |
CUserInfo | |
►NEntitlement | |
CUserProfile | |
►NFiles | |
CFileOptions | FormIt::Files::FileOptions struct |
CFileOptionsList | FormIt::Files::FileOptionsList class |
►NForge | |
►NUI | |
CMessage | |
CElementInfo | Base class that represents a BIM360 element |
CExtensionInfo | This class is used to store specific extension information in FileInfo |
CFileData | Compact representation of a file in BIM360 along with data |
CFileInfo | Represents a file in BIM360 The file element has a containing folder and version |
CFolderContents | Compact representation of BIM360 folder contents |
CFolderInfo | Represents a folder in BIM360 |
CHubInfo | Represents a Hub on BIM360 Contains a list of projects represented as ProjectInfo structs |
CPermissionsInfo | Represents BIM360 Permissions for an ElementInfo |
CProjectInfo | Represents a project on BIM360 The rootFolderId is the entry point for ListContents API to navigate the project |
CRevitFamilyInfo | Holds Revit family information obtained from derivative service |
►NLayers | |
CLayerData | |
►NMaterials | |
CMaterialData | FormIt::Materials::MaterialData struct |
►NUI | |
CShowNotificationData | |
►NUndoManagement | |
CHistoryID | Simple wrappers to ensure type safety |
CJSHistoryID | JSHistoryID is a helper class for JS APIs to take either a HistoryID or int |
CJSStateID | JSStateID is a helper class for JS APIs to take either a StateID or int |
CStateData | The observable data of an undo state |
CStateID | FormIt::UndoManagement::StateID struct |
►NUtils | |
CSpan | Provides a "view" into a container/array |
CUtilsImage | FormIt::Utils::UtilsImage class |
►NWeb | |
CHeader | Representation of a single header |
CRequestConfig | Data used to form a REST request |
CResponse | Response object |
CCameraData | FormIt::CameraData class |
CContentDataWithoutAXM | FormIt::ContentDataWithoutAXM struct |
CImageData | Class that represents an image object implements code to have the different data members loaded correctly i.e |
CkAnalyticsLogType | Tells that an analytics log was generated |
CkAnimationAddedType | FormIt::kAnimationAddedType struct |
CkAnimationNameUpdatedType | FormIt::kAnimationNameUpdatedType struct |
CkAppUIExitType | Called when the application is exiting |
CkAppUIInitializedType | Called after the application UI is fully initialized |
CkArrayToolRequestType | Request Array Tool |
CkAutoSaveRequestedType | Signals that it is time to save the current project |
CkAxesVisibilityChangedType | Axes visibility changed |
CkCameraChangedType | The Camera's orientation changed |
CkCameraOperationEndedType | Sent when a pan/zoom/orbit operation ends |
CkCameraOperationStartedType | Sent when a pan/zoom/orbit operation begins |
CkCameraProjectionTypeChangedType | The Camera's projection type changed from ortho to perspective, or vice versa |
CkCameraSharingChangeType | Payload: a string containing an integer change type and a string reason |
CkChatEmitType | Payload: std::pair<const char*, int> (chat message, message type) |
CkChatReceivedType | Payload: CollaborationChatMessage as a string |
CkCollabConnectionChangeType | Payload: size_t (CollaborationClient::eConnectionLossReason) |
CkCollaborationInitProgressUpdatedType | Payload: current fragment / how many fragment |
CkCollaborationLoadProgressUpdatedType | Payload: current packet / how many packets |
CkCollaborationTextType | Collaboration text |
CkCollaborationUserListUpdatedType | Collaboration User List Updated () Payload: userIds |
CkCollabSessionInitType | Payload: is this user session owner |
CkContentLibraryLocationsChangedType | Message to notify content library locations changed |
CkCreatePanelType | Create an UI Panel with the given title and URL |
CkCreateToolbarType | Plugin requesting a new toolbar |
CkDefaultColorsChangedType | FormIt::kDefaultColorsChangedType struct |
CkDismissProgressUIType | FormIt::kDismissProgressUIType struct |
CkDisplayModeChangedType | Triggered on display mode changed |
CkDynamoFileLocationsChangedType | Message to notify Dynamo File locations changed |
CkDynamoResetReachType | FormIt::kDynamoResetReachType struct |
CkDynamoRunStateChangedType | Signals that Dynamo started/stopped running |
CkFollowCameraType | FormIt::kFollowCameraType struct |
CkFormItJSONMsgType | A message the JS API can broadcast |
CkGridScaleChangedType | The grid scale changed |
CkHistoryDeletedForModelTreeOnlyType | This is a hack to make sure the model tree is updated correctly since we cannot use kModelChanged as WSM::ModelChangeData::Type::DeletedHistory is not broadcast (instead DeleteHistoryCaches is used) |
CkImageAddedType | Notify that an image was added |
CkImageAlphaChangedType | Notify that the alpha of an image has changed |
CkImageChangedType | Notify that an image has changed |
CkImageDeletedType | Notify that an image was deleted |
CkImageOrderChangedType | Notify that the order of the images in the given history has changed |
CkInContextEditingType | FormIt::kInContextEditingType struct |
CkInferenceEventInferenceLockedChangedType | The locked status of the current inference has changed |
CkInstallPluginType | Plugin requesting to be installed |
CkInvalidateEdgesType | Triggered on certain line style changes |
CkInvalidatePreviewImageType | Invalidate the preview image so it gets refreshed |
CkLayerLoadInRevitChangedType | Load in Revit flag changed. Payload : layer id - load pair |
CkLayerManagerChangedType | Layers were added, changed, removed, reordered Payload: {Operation: } |
CkLayerNameChangedType | The name of a layer was changed. Payload : old name - new name pair |
CkLayerPickableChangedType | Layer messages Pickable changed |
CkLayerVisibilityChangedType | Visibility changed. Payload : vector of layer id - visibility pairs |
CkLCSChangedType | Local coordinate system (LCS) changed |
CkLevelManagerChangedType | Levels were added, changed, removed |
CkLevelsVisibilityChangedType | The visibility of the levels was changed Payload: bool (new visibility value) |
CkLoadCompleteType | Sent when: |
CkLockAndHidePointerType | Asks the UI to hide the mouse and lock it so it cannot leave the window The mouse should still send accurate relative movement, however |
CkMaterialAddedType | Notify listeners that materials have changed |
CkMaterialChangedType | FormIt::kMaterialChangedType struct |
CkMaterialCreatedFromSampleType | Signals that a new formit material was created from a sample material Payload: new formit material id size_t |
CkMaterialDataChangedType | The data of a material was changed. Payload : material id |
CkMaterialDeletedType | FormIt::kMaterialDeletedType struct |
CkMaterialManagerChangedType | FormIt::kMaterialManagerChangedType struct |
CkMaterialPickedType | Tells when a the material picker tool has identified a material |
CkModelChangedType | The 3d scene in WSM was changed somehow |
CkNewModelRequestedType | Trigger a new model |
CkObjectFacetingAccuracyChangedType | Curve/Surface Accuracy changed |
CkObjectsPreselectType | Want to do a hover rendering for a group of objects |
CkOpenFileCompleteType | Sent when an file had completed loading |
CkOpenFileStartedType | Sent when a file is about to be opened |
CkOxygenAuthenticationStatusChangedType | Fired by Oxygen AuthProvider on authentication status change |
CkPanoramInProgressType | Payload is true with true when a panoramic rendering is about to start, false after it has ended |
CkPostProgressUpdateType | Message to post a progress update percentage in the form of a float between 0.0 and 1.0 |
CkPresentProgressUIType | |
CkProjectNameUpdatedType | Project name has been updated Payload: project name with extension |
CkProjectPropertiesChangedType | Project properties changed |
CkRefresh3DViewType | Refresh3DView requests the equivalent of WM_PAINT on the 3D view |
CkReset3DViewportType | KReset3DViewport requests the viewport to reset to the default size (full window extents) |
CkReSize3DViewType | ReSize3DView requests the 3D View to be the given size |
CkRevitConnectionChangeType | Payload: size_t (WebSocketPipe::eConnectionState) |
CkRevitFamilyInfoChangedType | Group info was changed |
CkSampleMaterialsLocationsChangedType | Signals that the sample materials directories were changed |
CkSampleMaterialsNodeLoadedType | Signals that a load request for a sample materials load has completed and that all the children of the node are available |
CkSampleMaterialsNodeLoadFailedType | Signals that a load request for a sample materials load has failed |
CkSampleMaterialsNodeLoadingStatusChangedType | Signals that loading of a node has started or ended Payload: bool |
CkSatelliteImageIsHiddenType | FormIt::kSatelliteImageIsHiddenType struct |
CkSatelliteImageIsVisibleType | Satellite Image visibility changed |
CkSaveCompletedType | Trigerred when a save has successfully completed |
CkSaveLocallyRequestedType | Trigger a save of the current project to a local file |
CkSaveLocallyWithHistoryRequestedType | Same as kSaveLocallyRequested, except that the data is saved with history information |
CkSaveRequestedType | Trigger a save of the current project |
CkSceneActivatedType | Scene Messages |
CkSceneAddedType | FormIt::kSceneAddedType struct |
CkSceneCameraChangedType | FormIt::kSceneCameraChangedType struct |
CkSceneItemChangedType | KSceneItemChanged is sent when a rendering item has changed |
CkSceneModifiedStateChangedType | Signals that the state of scene (i.e., modified/unmodified) has changed |
CkSceneNameUpdatedType | FormIt::kSceneNameUpdatedType struct |
CkSceneRemovedType | FormIt::kSceneRemovedType struct |
CkScenesAnimationStartStopType | FormIt::kScenesAnimationStartStopType struct |
CkScenesRecordEndType | FormIt::kScenesRecordEndType struct |
CkScenesRecordFrameType | KScenesRecordFrame when a single frame is exported to the movie file The payload is the frame count and a blend factor, that indicates whether this frame is a sub frame and the ratio that this frame contributes to the whole frame |
CkScenesRecordStartType | KScenesRecordStart when an animation export to movie is started |
CkScenesUpdatedType | FormIt::kScenesUpdatedType struct |
CkSceneUpdatedType | FormIt::kSceneUpdatedType struct |
CkSelectionFilterChangedType | Signals that global selection filter (area selection, dynamo picking) changed |
CkSelectionHightlightEnabledChangedType | Enable / disable the display of selection highlights |
CkSelectionsChangedType | KScenesPresentationModeChanged is sent when scenes start playing (payload == true) or stop playing (payload == false) DECLARE_MESSAGE(FORMIT_CORE_EXPORT, kScenesPresentationModeChanged, bool); |
CkSendToRevitPreviewChangedType | The user setting for whether to show the Send to Revit preview has changed |
CkSetCursorType | Tell the UI to set a cursor to the given type |
CkSetLocationType | Message to notify when location has been updated |
CkSetToolTypeCursorType | Tell the UI to set a cursor for the given tool type |
CkShowDimensionEditorType | A request for the native UI to display the dimension editor at the given location |
CkShowDimensionSettingChangedType | Message to say that the showDimensions setting changed |
CkShowEditedGroupOnlyChangedType | Message to say that the showEditedGroupOnly setting changed |
CkShowTooltipType | Request a tooltip |
CkSolarAnalysisFinishedRunType | Solar Analysis finished with new calculation run |
CkSolarAnalysisModeChangedType | Triggered on solar analysis mode changed |
CkSolarAnalysisPeakMonthChangedType | Solar Analysis peak month changed |
CkSolarAnalysisResultTypeChangedType | Solar Analysis result type changed (monthly peak - yearly cumulative) |
CkSolarAnalysisSelectionHighlightType | Face analysis rendering uses a different highlight (individual faces of instances) |
CkSolarAnalysisWeatherDataNotAvailableType | No weather data available for solar analysis |
CkStartUIToolType | Message to start an UI tool- platform specific because it pops UI |
CkSunDirectionChangedType | Modification of shadow |
CkSunDirectionChangesEndedType | FormIt::kSunDirectionChangesEndedType struct |
CkTestRunningType | Message to alert that a test is/is not running |
CkTimerTickedType | App3D timer ticked |
CkToolGotFocusType | Tells what tool is now on top of the stack, when the tool stack changes |
CkToolHandledType | Tells when a tool has handled an input event |
CkToolModeChangedType | Tells when a tool changes its "mode" |
CkToolRemovedType | Tells when a tool is removed from the top of the stack |
CkToolsLocationRequestType | Request the location dialog |
CkTouchEnabledChangedType | The user setting for whether to use the tool grips or normal mouse workflow changed |
CkUndoManagerDeleteAllRedoType | Redo states were deleted for the given History |
CkUndoManagerStateAddedType | A new state was added to the undo manager |
CkUndoManagerStateNameChangeType | An undo manager state was renamed |
CkUndoManagerUpdateType | There was a significant update to the undo manager, all data should be refreshed |
CkUndoRedoAvailabilityChangedType | The ability to undo and redo changed Payload: first: can undo, second: can redo |
CkUndoRedoExecutedType | Undo or Redo was executed, payload is new state ID |
CkUndoRedoMultipleHistoriesEndedType | Invoked when undo or redo on multiple Histories is finished so that operations that were paused (for example rendering) can be updated |
CkUndoRedoPerHistoryType | Undo or Redo was executed in the given History, payload is the History ID |
CkUnfollowCameraType | FormIt::kUnfollowCameraType struct |
CkUninstallPluginType | Uninstall the plugin from the given URL |
CkUnitTypeChangedType | Unit type changed |
CkUpdateRenderHistoryType | This message is to updated correctly the selection and the materials when we are drag and dropping a content object |
CkUserEntitlementsChangedType | Payload: is the user's entitlements pair<active entitlements, expired entitlements> |
CkVisualStyleChangedType | Triggered on a change to a visual style parameter not covered by kDisplayModeChanged or others in that area |
CLevelData | This class represents a Level in formit Core |
CLoadCompleteData | LoadComplete messages A load has completed or Begin/EndState happened Payload : LoadCompleteData |
CMaterialManagerChangedData | Material messages Materials were added, changed, removed Payload : MaterialChangeData |
CMessageBroadcaster | FormIt::MessageBroadcaster class |
CMessageListener | FormIt::MessageListener class |
CMessagePayloadStruct | This structure hides the implementation of the payload so it can't be used improperly |
CMessageStruct | The base class for all messages |
CMessageVoidStruct | The base class for all structures that don't have a payload |
CMessageWithPayloadStruct | The base class for all structures that have a payload |
CModelMetadata | FormIt::ModelMetadata struct |
CNotificationHandleType | Handle to control a notification dialog after it has been created |
CRendererData | FormIt::RendererData class |
CRevitFamilyInformation | FormIt::RevitFamilyInformation struct |
CSaveInformation | Payload for kSaveCompleted |
CSelectedProperties | FormIt::SelectedProperties struct |
CSolsticeEquinoxData | FormIt::SolsticeEquinoxData struct |
CSunLocationData | FormIt::SunLocationData class |
CSunRiseData | Sunrise and sunset from the current location and date in local time (0 .. |
CUTCData | FormIt::UTCData struct |
CVersion | FormIt version info |
►NWSM | Forward declaration |
►NUtils | |
CHistoryBoundsHelper | This is a helper class to find the bounds of the Objects that are visible in the Model. class HistoryBoundsHelper |
CHistoryObjects | This is a helper class to convert the many representations of Objects used by the WSM APIs.class HistoryObjects |
CIAppHelper | IAppHelper is the interface for an application helper class.class IAppHelper |
CICamera | ICamera is an interface supplied by the application to query the camera class ICamera |
CITooltipProvider | ITooltipProvider is an interface supplied by the application to display the tooltip class ITooltipProvider |
CMaterialData | Data that stores all the material properties to be collected by GetAllRenderingInformation |
CMeshData | Data that can be used to draw a single mesh |
CMeshesAndTransformsData | Data that packages meshes and transforms together |
CObjectTypeFilter | Struct ObjectTypeFilter |
CPickRay | PickRay is a class containing all the information needed to do a pick in perspective and parallel views.class PickRay |
CRayFireFilterHidden | Implemetation of IRayFireFilterAndAbort that filters hidden objects |
CRayFireFilterHiddenOrNonPickable | Implemetation of IRayFireFilterAndAbort that filters hidden and and non pickable objects Note that this implementation does not use a pick ray, as it is used by area seletion where no pick ray exists |
CRayFireFilterHiddenOrSectioned | Implemetation of IRayFireFilterAndAbort that filters hidden and/or sectioned objects |
CAbstractLockGuard | WSM::AbstractLockGuard class |
CATFCameraData | Data used to pass camera information to and from ATF |
CColor | Stores an RGBA color value |
CCurveData | Data used to construct a string of edges |
CEdgeData | Data used to construct an edge |
CFaceData | Data used to construct a face |
CFacetsBodyData | Contains data for constructing a Body from facets |
CGroupInstancePath | Private member m_aPaths in GroupInstancePath is not exported and causes a warning that can be safely ignored |
CImageData | Data used to construct a rectangular face with a texture on it |
CInstanceData | Data used to construct a group instance |
CInterval2d | Corresponds to a bounding box in 2D space |
CInterval3d | Corresponds to a bounding box in 3D space |
CIRayFireFilterAndAbort | ! Interface class used by APIRayFireReadOnly and APIIntersectsNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly |
CLayerData | Data used to construct a layer |
CLine3d | Stores an oriented line and/or an axis, defined by a Point3d and a Vector3d |
CLoopData | Data used to construct a loop in a face |
CMaterialData | Data used to construct a material |
CModelChangeData | The type of data passed to a callback that will be called upon the completion of each Delta or Undo/Redo operation within any non-temporary History, and the creation or deletion of non-temporary histories |
CObjectHistoryID | Combines a history ID and an object ID into a single object |
CPlane | Stores an oriented plane in 3D |
CPoint2d | Stores a point in 2D space |
CPoint3d | Stores a point in 3D space |
CResult | Private member m_pRI in Result is not exported and causes a warning that can be safely ignored |
CTextureData | Data used to construct a texture |
CTransf3d | General affine or projective transformation in 3D space |
CUnitVector3d | Stores a unit vector in 3D space |
CVector2d | Stores a vector in 2D space |
CVector3d | Stores a vector in 3D space |