FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.Selection Namespace Reference


FormIt.Selection namespace.


json GetObjectTypeFilter ()
json SetObjectTypeFilter (objectTypeFilter)
 Sets the current ObjectTypeFilter. More...
json ClearSelections ()
 Clears all of the selections. More...
json AddSelections (aSelection)
 Add a list of ObjectIDs to the selections. More...
json GetSelections ()
 Get selections. More...
json SetSelections (selections)
 Set selections. More...
json SetPreSelections (firstPreselection, selections)
 Set pre-selections. More...
json HasPreSelections ()
 Returns true if there are pre-selections. More...
json GetFirstPreSelectedObject ()
 Get the first pre-selection. More...
json GetFirstSelectedObject ()
 Get the first selection. More...
json GetContextMenuObject ()
 Get the object selected from the context menu click. More...
json ClearPreSelections ()
 Clear the pre-selected objects. More...
json IsSelected (objPath)
 Check if the given object is selected. More...
json SelectAll ()
 Select all objects in the model. More...
json HasSelections ()
 HasSelections returns true is there are selections. More...
json GetPreSelections ()
 Get the pre-selections. More...
json CommitPreselections ()
 CommitPreselections makes the pre-selections the current selections. More...
json CompareSelections (selection1, selection2)
 Compare two selection sets to see if they are the same. More...
json ToggleObjects (selections)
 ToggleObjects toggles the object selection- If they're in the list, it removes them, else it adds them. More...
json ApplyMaterialToSelection (id, backside)
 Apply the material to selection through the JS API rather than module.ccall() for Web. More...