FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.Scenes Namespace Reference


FormIt.Scenes namespace.


json SceneNameExists (sceneName)
json IsValidSceneName (oldSceneName, newSceneName)
 IsValidSceneName checks whether the name is valid for a scene. More...
json SetSceneName (oldSceneName, newSceneName)
 SetSceneName renames the given Scene. More...
json AddNewScene (afterSceneName)
 AddNewScene adds a new scene with an automatically generated scene name optionally after a given scene name. More...
json AddNewSceneToAnimation (animationName)
 AddNewSceneToAnimation adds a new scene with an automatically generated scene name to a given animation. More...
json GetScene (sceneName)
 GetScene gets the given Scene as JSON given a Scene name. More...
json GetScenes ()
 GetScenes gets all the Scenes as JSON objects. More...
json GetScenesSortedByAnimations ()
 GetScenes gets all the Scenes as JSON objects sorted by animations matching the scene widget. More...
json SetScenes (scenes)
 SetScenes sets all the Scenes. More...
json AddScene (scene, afterSceneName)
 AddScene adds a new scene given a Scene JSON object. More...
json RemoveScene (sceneName)
 RemoveScene removes the scene with the given name. More...
json DuplicateScene (sceneName)
 DuplicateScene duplicates the scene with the given name. More...
json GetSceneNames ()
 GetSceneNames gets all the Scene names. More...
json ScenesAreEqual (sceneName, scene)
 ScenesAreEqual returns true if Parameters: In: sceneName The name of an existing Scene. More...
json SetPresentationMode (start, sceneName)
 SetPresentationMode starts/stops presentation mode. More...
json IsPresenting ()
 IsPresenting returns true if in presentation mode. More...
json UpdateScene (sceneName)
 UpdateScene captures the Scene's properties that are enabled with the given name. More...
json GetPropertiesToCapture (sceneName)
 GetPropertiesToCapture returns the property flags used for determining what is captured. More...
json SetPropertiesToCapture (sceneName, properties)
 SetPropertiesToCapture sets the Scene property flags used for determining what is captured. More...
json ActivateScene (sceneName)
 ActivateScene activates the Scene with the given name. More...
json MoveSceneUp (sceneName)
 MoveSceneUp moves the given Scene up in the Scene list. More...
json MoveSceneDown (sceneName)
 MoveSceneDown moves the given Scene down in the Scene list. More...
json RearrangeScenes (oldPos, newPos)
 RearrangeScenes moves the given Scene at oldPos to newPos in the Scene list. More...
json GetNumberOfScenes ()
 GetNumberOfScenes returns the number of Scenes. More...
json GetNumberOfScenesWithAnimation (animationName)
json GetPauseTime (sceneName)
 GetPauseTime returns the time that the given Scene is paused during presentation mode. More...
json SetPauseTime (sceneName, pauseTime)
 SetPauseTime sets the time that the given Scene is paused during presentation mode. More...
json IsValidScenePauseTime (pauseTimeString)
 IsValidScenePauseTime checks whether string contains a valid pause time. More...
json IsValidSceneTransitionTime (transitionTimeString)
 IsValidSceneTransitionTime checks whether string contains a valid pause time. More...
json IsValidSceneCameraSpeed (speedString)
 IsValidSceneCameraSpeed checks whether string contains a valid pause time. More...
json GetTransitionTime (sceneName)
 GetTransitionTime returns the time that the given Scene takes to transition during presentation mode. More...
json SetTransitionTime (sceneName, transitionTime)
 SetTransitionTime sets the time that the given Scene takes to transition during presentation mode. More...
json GetCameraSpeed (sceneName)
 GetCameraSpeed returns the speed (mph) at which the camera moves during the transition to the next scene. More...
json SetCameraSpeed (sceneName, cameraSpeed)
 SetCameraSpeed sets the speed (mph) at which the camera moves during the transition to the next scene. More...
json GetIncludeInAnimation (sceneName)
 GetIncludeInAnimation returns whether the given scene is part of the animation. More...
json SetIncludeInAnimation (sceneName, bIncludeInAnimation)
 SetIncludeInAnimation sets whether the given scene is part of the animation. More...
json GetUseCameraSpeed (sceneName)
 GetUseCameraSpeed returns whether the given scene is using the transition time or camera speed during animation. More...
json SetUseCameraSpeed (sceneName, bUseCameraSpeed)
 SetUseCameraSpeed sets whether the given scene is part of the animation. More...
json GetTransitionTimeUsed (sceneName)
 GetTransitionTimeUsed returns the transition time for the scene that is actually used. More...
json SetEditCameras (bEditCameras, animationName, sceneName)
 SetEditCameras enters the camera editing mode. More...
json GetEditCameras ()
 GetEditCameras enters the camera editing mode. More...
json AddSceneAnimation ()
 Add a new scene animation. More...
json RemoveAnimation (animationName)
 Removes a scene animation. More...
json GetSceneAnimations ()
 Get all scene animations. More...
json GetSceneAnimation (animationName)
 Get the animation for the given name. More...
json GetSceneNamesFromAnimation (animationName)
 Get the scene names for the given animation. More...
json AddScenesToAnimation (animationName, sceneNames, sceneBeforeOrAfterName, insertAfter)
 Adds existing scenes to an animation. More...
json RearrangeAnimations (animationNames, animationBeforeOrAfterName, insertAfter)
 Rearrange the animations to be put before or after the given other animation. More...
json IsValidAnimationName (oldName, newName)
 IsValidAnimationName checks whether the name is valid for an animation Used to check if the oldName can be renamed to newName. More...
json SetAnimationName (oldName, newName)
 SetSceneName renames the given Scene. More...
json GetAnimationLoop (animationName)
 Get the loop option of an animation. More...
json SetAnimationLoop (animationName, loop)
 Set the loop option of an animation. More...
json GetAnimationCollapsed (animationName)
 Get the collpased status of an animation UI item. More...
json SetAnimationCollapsed (animationName, collapsed)
 Set the collpased status of an animation UI item. More...
json StartStopAnimation (start, animationName, fromScene)
 Start/stop a continuous loop scene animation. More...
json GetAnimationForScene (sceneName)
 Returns the parent animation for a scene. More...