FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.VisualStyles Namespace Reference



json GetShadowsVisible ()
json SetShadowsVisible (val)
 GetRenderShadowVisibility adjusts the setting to show shadows Parameters: In: val (bool) Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json GetAlwaysDrawInstanceBoxes ()
 GetAlwaysDrawInstanceBoxes determines whether bounding boxes are visible Parameters: In: None Out: { bool } representing the state of bounding box visibility. More...
json SetAlwaysDrawInstanceBoxes (val)
 SetGroupBoundingBoxVisibility adjusts whether bounding boxes are visible Parameters: In: val (bool) Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json IsGroundPlaneVisible ()
 IsGroundPlaneVisible indicates whether or not the ground plane will be drawn Parameters: In: None Out: { bool }. More...
json SetGroundPlaneVisible (val)
 SetGroundPlaneVisible sets whether or not the ground plane will be drawn Parameters: In: val (bool) true == ground plane will be drawn Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json IsWorkPlaneVisible ()
 IsWorkPlaneVisible indicates whether or not the work plane will be drawn Parameters: In: None Out: { bool }. More...
json SetWorkPlaneVisible (val)
 SetWorkPlaneVisible sets whether or not the work plane will be drawn Parameters: In: val (bool) true == work plane will be drawn Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json GetNorthArrowDisplay ()
 Returns true if the North arrow is set. More...
json SetNorthArrowDisplay (bOn)
 Sets if the North arrow should display - true to display, false to not display. More...
json ToggleNorthArrowDisplay ()
 toggles the North arrow display More...
json IsNorthArrowVisible ()
 returns true if the North arrow is set to display, false otherwise More...
json GetShowAxes ()
 Returns true if the axes are being shown, false otherwise. More...
json SetShowAxes (bShow)
 Sets if the axes should be drawn. More...
json SetShowSilhouettes (bShow)
 Sets if silhouettes should be drawn. More...
json SetShowEdges (bShow)
 Sets if edges should be drawn. More...
json IsGridVisible ()
 Return the grid display status Parameters: In: Out: bVisible. More...
json SetGridVisible (bVisible)
 Set the grid display status Parameters: In: bVisible Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json GetHighlightPreselect ()
 Return the preselect highlight display status Parameters: In: Out: bHighlight. More...
json SetHighlightPreselect (bHighlight)
 Set the preselect highlight display status Parameters: In: bHighlight Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json SetAmbientColorIntensity (i)
 Sets the "ambient color intensity," or how "bright" unlit, colored faces will appear. More...
json GetAmbientColorIntensity ()
 Get ambient color intensity. More...
json SetAmbientTextureIntensity (i)
 Sets the "ambient texture color intensity," or how "bright" unlit, textured faces will appear. More...
json GetAmbientTextureIntensity ()
 Get ambient texture intensity. More...
json SetAmbientMaterialIntensity (i)
 SetAmbientMaterialIntensity() function. More...
json SetSunShading (i)
 SetSunShading() function. More...
json GetSunShading ()
 GetSunShading() function. More...
json SetShadowIntensity (i)
 Sets the "shadow intensity," or how "dark" shadows appear. More...
json GetShadowIntensity ()
 Get the shadow intensity. More...
json SetAdvancedMaterialShaderType (type)
 Sets the shader type to use for materials. More...
json GetAdvancedMaterialShaderType ()
 Get the current material shader type. More...
json IsSkyRendered ()
 IsSkyRendered() function. More...
json SetSkyRendered (b)
 SetSkyRendered() function. More...
json IsFogRendered ()
 IsFogRendered() function. More...
json SetFogRendered (b)
 SetFogRendered() function. More...
json SetSkyLowerColor (color)
 SetSkyLowerColor() function. More...
json GetSkyLowerColor ()
 GetSkyLowerColor() function. More...
json SetSkyUpperColor (color)
 SetSkyUpperColor() function. More...
json GetSkyUpperColor ()
 GetSkyUpperColor() function. More...
json SetBackgroundColor (color)
 SetBackgroundColor() function. More...
json GetBackgroundColor ()
 GetBackgroundColor() function. More...
json SetGroundPlaneColor (color)
 SetGroundPlaneColor() function. More...
json GetGroundPlaneColor ()
 GetGroundPlaneColor() function. More...
json SetGroundPlaneTransparency (transparency)
json GetGroundPlaneTransparency ()
 GetGroundPlaneTransparency() function. More...
json SetWorkPlaneColor (color)
 SetWorkPlaneColor() function. More...
json GetWorkPlaneColor ()
 GetWorkPlaneColor() function. More...
json SetSunEditorEnabled (bEnabled)
 SetSunEditorEnabled() function. More...
json GetSunEditorEnabled ()
 GetSunEditorEnabled() function. More...
json GetEdgeWeight ()
 GetEdgeWeight() function. More...
json SetEdgeWeight (weight)
 SetEdgeWeight() function. More...
json GetEdgeColor ()
 GetEdgeColor() function. More...
json SetEdgeColor (color)
 SetEdgeColor() function. More...
json GetSilhouetteWeight ()
 GetSilhouetteWeight() function. More...
json SetSilhouetteWeight (weight)
 SetSilhouetteWeight() function. More...
json IsRenderSettingActive (flag)
 IsRenderSettingActive returns bool if the particular render mode is set Parameters: In: solid render flag enum Out: bool. More...
json SetRenderSettingFlags (flag, b)
 SetRenderSettingFlags takes a SolidRendererFlags and bool to enable the flag Parameters: In: flag, b solid render flag enum (FormIt.SolidRendererFlags), bool (on/off) Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...