FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.SunAndLocation Namespace Reference



json AddSatelliteImage (centerLat, centerLon, latSpan, lonSpan, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, physicalWidth, physicalHeight, address, xOffset, yOffset)
json SetProjectAddress (address)
 SetProjectAddress sets the location address. More...
json GetProjectAddress ()
 GetProjectAddress returns the location address. More...
json SetLocation (longitude, latitude)
 SetLocation sets the location. More...
json SetTimeOfDay (dTimeOfDay, bUpdateRender, bForceUpdateShadows)
 SetTimeOfDay sets the time of day. More...
json UpdateShadows ()
 UpdateShadows updates the shadows. More...
json SetDate (nDay, nMonth, nYear, bUpdateRender, bForceUpdateShadows)
 SetDate sets the date. More...
json GetDaylightSavingTime ()
 GetDaylightSavingTime true if DST is active. More...
json SetDaylightSavingTime (bEnable, bUpdateRender)
 SetDaylightSavingTime sets DST on/off. More...
json GetLocationDateTime ()
 GetLocationDateTime Parameters: In: Out: {{"objectName", "SunLocationData", "latitude":, "longitude":, "Time":, "UTCTimeZone":, "DSTOffset":, "Day":, "Month":, "Year":, "DSTEnabled":};. More...
json GetSunRiseAndSet ()
 GetSunRiseAndSet Parameters: In: Out: {"objectName"" "SunRiseData", sunRises":, sunRise":, sunSet":};. More...
json GetLightDirectionFromLocationData (sunLocationData)
 GetLightDirectionFromLocationData Parameters: In:SunLocationData Out: {{"objectName", "Vector3d", "x":, "y":, "z": };. More...