FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.SketchMaterials Namespace Reference



json GetWSMMaterialForHistory (historyId, materialId)
json GetSketchMaterialFromWSMMaterial (historyId, wsmMaterialId)
 Get the sketch material id from the WSM material. More...
json GetMaterialIDsFromObjects (aObjects)
 Get the materials used by the given vector of objects. More...
json AssignMaterialToObjects (materialId, aObjects, uvTransf3d)
 Assigns the material to the list of objects and sets uvs when the given Transf3d is non-identity. More...
json ChangeMaterialOrder (materialId, newPos)
 Give the material a new position in the list. More...
json IsMaterialUsed (materialId)
 Return true if a sketch material id is in use. More...
json GetDefaultMaterialData (bBack)
 Return the material data of the default sketch material. More...
json SetDefaultMaterialData (materialData, bBack)
json GetMaterialDataAttribute (materialData, attributeType)
 Return the attribute of a material data. More...
json SetMaterialDataAttribute (materialData, attributeType, value)
 Set the attribute of a material data. More...
json GetMaterialDataMap (materialData, mapType)
 Return the map of a material data. More...
json SetMaterialDataMap (materialData, mapType, map)
 Set the map of a material data. More...
json GetAllObjectsUsingMaterials (materialIds)
 Return all objects that are used by the given vector of materials. More...
json UpdateMaterialFromParameters (materialID, parameters)
 Update the firefly material with the basic parameters. More...
json RearrangeMaterials (materialIds, materialBeforeOrAfterId, insertAfter)
 Rearrange the materials to be put before or after the given other material. More...