FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.SectionPlanes Namespace Reference



json Clear ()
json SetPlanes (planes)
 Set the current Section Planes. More...
json GetPlanes ()
 Get the current Section Planes. More...
json GetInstances ()
 Get the WSM group instances representing section planes. More...
json GetPlaneLayers ()
 Get the WSM layers that represent section planes. More...
json SetOutlineColor (color)
 Set the section plane outline color. More...
json GetOutlineColor ()
 Get the section plane outline color. More...
json SetOutlineSize (s)
 Set the section plane outline size. More...
json GetOutlineSize ()
 Get the section plane outline size. More...
json SetSectionIndicatorsVisibility (visible)
 Set the geometry representing section planes visible. More...
json SetPocheColor (color)
 Set the section plane Poche color. More...
json GetPocheColor ()
 Get the section plane Poche color. More...
json EnablePocheColor (enable)
 Enable the Poche color given a bool. More...
json IsPocheColorEnabled ()
 IsPocheColorEnabled returns the Poche color state (on/off). More...
json SectionPlaneHistoryChanged ()
 SectionPlaneHistoryChanged returns true if the section plane History has changed. More...
json SetLastSectionRefHistory (historyId)
 Enable the Poche color given a bool. More...
json GetLastSectionRefHistory ()
 Get the History ID that represents a section plane. More...