FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.Model Namespace Reference


FormIt.Model namespace.


json GetHistoryID ()
 Request the id of the history being edited - app supplied. More...
json GetMemorySize (bCollapsedHistoryWithLiveObjsOnly)
 Get the memory size of the History of the main Model. More...
json GetUnitTypeCurrent ()
 Get the UnitType of the current Model. More...
json GetUnitType ()
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deprecated: Use GetUnitTypeCurrent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the UnitType of the current Model. More...
json SetUnitTypeCurrent (unitType)
 Set the UnitType of the current Model. More...
json ImperialLengthToCurrentUnitLength (length)
 Takes imperial value in feet and translates to the current unit system. More...
json SetUnitType (unitType)
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deprecated: Use GetUnitTypeCurrent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set the UnitType of the current Model. More...
json IsImperialUnitType (unitType)
 Return true if the current unit type in the model is imperial. More...
json GetGroupHistoryName (nHistoryID)
 Get the name for the given history. More...
json SetGroupHistoryName (nHistoryID, sHistoryName)
 Set the name for the given history. More...
json IsModified ()
 IsModified returns true if the Model has been modified. More...
json ResetModified ()
 ResetModified sets the Model to unmodified. More...
json SetCurveAccuracyOrCountCurrent (accuracyORcount)
 Set the curve accuracy. More...
json GetCurveAccuracyOrCountCurrent ()
 Get the curve accuracy. More...
json GetPropertiesForHistory (nHistoryID, editingPath)
 Get the properties for the given history. More...
json GetPropertiesForSelected ()
 Returns the properties for all objects currently selected Parameters: In: Out: FormIt.SelectedProperties. More...
json GetObjectName (objectID)
 Returns the Object's name Parameters: In: objectID (GroupInstancePath || ObjectHistoryID || ObjectID) Out: name (string) More...
json SetObjectName (objectID, name)
 Sets the Object's name The Object's type must be- WSM.nBodyType || WSM.nInstanceType || WSM.nMeshType || WSM.nLineMeshType || WSM.nPointMeshType Parameters: In: objectID (GroupInstancePath || ObjectHistoryID || ObjectID) Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More...
json ObjectReportsAreaByLevel (objectID)
 Get whether the object reports area by level or not. More...
json SetSurfaceAccuracyOrCountCurrent (accuracy)
 Set the surface accuracy. More...
json GetSurfaceAccuracyOrCountCurrent ()
 Get the surface accuracy. More...
json GetProjectSiteArea ()
 Get the project site area of the model. More...
json SetTotalAreaOfSite (area)
 SetTotalAreaOfSite sets the total site area of the model. More...
json GetProjectTargetArea ()
 GetProjectTargetArea gets the site project target area of the model. More...
json GetTotalGrossArea ()
 GetTotalGrossArea gets the total area of all levels in the model. More...
json GetLinearDefault (imperialValue)
 Get the default value that is equivalent to the given linear imperial value. More...