FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.Layers Namespace Reference


FormIt.Layers namespace.


json GetAllLayers ()
json GetLayerData (layerID)
 GetLayerData gets the data for a single layer. More...
json GetAllLayerData ()
 GetAllLayerData gets the data for all layers. More...
json AddLayer (historyID, layerName, visible)
 AddLayer creates a new layer in the given history. More...
json IsValid (layerID)
 IsValid returns whether a layer id is valid. More...
json SetLayersVisibility (aLayersVisibility)
 SetLayersVisibility sets the visibility of a vector of layers. More...
json SetLayerVisibility (layerName, visibility)
 SetLayerVisibility sets the visibility of layer with a given name and visibility toggle. More...
json LayerExists (layerName)
 LayerExists returns true if a layer with the given name exists. More...
json DeleteLayers (aLayerIDs)
 DeleteLayers deletes a list of layers. More...
json IsValidLayerName (layerID, newLayerName)
 IsValidLayerName checks whether the name is valid for a layer. More...
json SetLayerName (layerID, newLayerName)
 SetLayerName set a new name for the given layer. More...
json AssignLayerToObjects (layerID, aObjects)
 AssignLayerToObjects assigns a layer to a list of objects. More...
json RemoveLayersFromObjects (layerIDs, aObjects)
 RemoveLayersFromObjects removes all the layers in a vector from a vector of objects, regardless of whether any of the objects actually are assigned any of the layers. More...
json GetAllObjectsOnLayers (layerIDs, allHistories)
 GetAllObjectsOnLayers gets all objects that are on the given layers. More...
json ChangeLayerOrder (layerID, newPosition)
 ChangeLayerOrder gives a layer a new position in the list. More...
json GetObjectLayerID (nHistoryID, nObjectID)
 GetObjectLayerID returns the layer id for the object. More...
json IsValidObjectForLayerAssignment (nHistoryID, nObjectID)
 IsValidObjectForLayerAssignment returns whether the given object can be assigned a layer object must be top level (non owned) or a group instance. More...
json GetLayerList ()
 GetLayerList gets a list of all layers as LayerData. More...
json GetObjectsLayerList (groupInstacePathArray, bIncludeNoLayer)
 GetObjectsLayerList returns the set of layers the given Objects are on. More...
json GetLayerID (layerName)
 GetLayerID returns the formit layer id from a layer name or WSM.INVALID_ID if a layer with that name does not exist. More...
json SetLayerPickable (layerID, pickable)
 Set the pickable status of a layer. More...
json SetLoadInRevit (layerID, load)
 Set the load in Revit status of a layer. More...
json IsSectionPlaneOrIndicatorLayer (layerID)
 Check whether the layer is either a section indicator or section plane layer. More...
json CountObjectsOnLayer (aObjects, layerID)
 Returns how many of the objects in objectPaths, or their owners are on the given layer If layerId is passed as WSM.INVALID_ID, it counts how many objects are not on any layer. More...