FormIt Plugin API  v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
FormIt.Collaboration Namespace Reference



json Connect (sSessionLink)
json IsConnected ()
 Check whether this client is the collaboration session's owner Parameters: In: Out: bIsConnected. More...
json Disconnect ()
 Disconnect from the collaboration server. More...
json GetSessionId ()
 Get ID of the current Collaboration session (empty, if not connected). More...
json IsSessionOwner ()
 Check whether this client is the collaboration session's owner Parameters: In: Out: isOwner. More...
json IsFollowingCamera ()
 Check whether this client is following the camera of another client specified by sUserId. More...
json FollowCamera (sUserId)
 Follow the camera of another client specified by sUserId. More...
json GetFollowingCameraUserID ()
 GetFollowingCameraUserID returns the user ID of the client being followed. More...
json UnFollowCamera ()
 Parameters: Un-follow somebody else's camera. More...
json ReceiveCreateRefHistory (nHistoryID)
 Receive "referenced History created" notification from the collaboration server. More...
json ReceiveHistory (nHistoryID, sBase64History, bIsOwner)
 Receive initial history and owner status from the collaboration server. More...
json ReceiveDelta (nHistoryID, nDeltaID, sBase64Delta)
 Receive Delta from the collaboration server. More...
json ReceiveUndoRedo (nHistoryID, nUndoValue, nBaseDeltaID, sBase64Delta)
 Receive Undo/Redo from the collaboration server. More...
json ReceiveDataAcceptance (nHistoryID, nDataType, nDeltaID, bAccepted)
 Receive data acceptance from the collaboration server. More...