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FormIt Plugin API
v23.0.0 (2023.0.0)
Namespaces | |
WSM.AppHelper | |
WSM.AppHelper namespace. | |
WSM.InferenceEngine | |
WSM.InferenceEngine namespace. | |
WSM.Atf | |
WSM.Atf namespace. | |
WSM.Geom | |
WSM.Geom namespace. | |
WSM.GroupInstancePath | |
WSM.GroupInstancePath namespace. | |
WSM.Interval3d | |
WSM.Interval3d namespace. | |
WSM.Line3d | |
WSM.Line3d namespace. | |
WSM.Plane | |
WSM.Plane namespace. | |
WSM.Point3d | |
WSM.Point3d namespace. | |
WSM.RenderHelper | |
WSM.RenderHelper namespace. | |
WSM.Sat | |
WSM.Sat namespace. | |
WSM.Skup | |
WSM.Skup namespace. | |
WSM.Tools | |
WSM.Tools namespace. | |
WSM.Transf3d | |
WSM.Transf3d namespace. | |
WSM.UnitVector3d | |
WSM.UnitVector3d namespace. | |
WSM.Utils | |
WSM.Utils namespace. | |
WSM.Vector3d | |
WSM.Vector3d namespace. | |
Functions | |
json | WSM.APIGetActiveHistory () |
Get the Active history managed by ScriptInstance. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateHistory (nHistoryID, bNonTemporary) |
APICreateHistory() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIChangeHistoryID (nHistoryID) |
APIChangeHistoryID() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDeleteHistory (nHistoryID) |
Delete the given History and also the active history managed by ScriptInstance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDeleteAllHistories () |
Delete all Histories and reset next History Id to be 0. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllHistoriesReadOnly (bWithTemporary) |
APIGetAllHistoriesReadOnly Gets the IDs of all active histories, optionally with temporary ones. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllReachableHistoriesReadOnly (nHistoryID, bGoUp) |
Gets all the Histories reachable from the given History going either up or down the chain of Histories based on the flag bGoUp. More... | |
json | WSM.APIUndoHistory (nHistoryID, bAndDeleteRedo, nApplyOnDeltaID) |
APIUndoHistory undoes History. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRedoHistory (nHistoryID, nApplyOnDeltaID) |
APIRedoHistory redoes History. More... | |
json | WSM.APIUndoHistoryToDelta (nHistoryID, nDeltaID) |
APIUndoHistoryToDelta undoes History. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRedoHistoryToDelta (nHistoryID, nDeltaID) |
APIRedoHistoryToDelta redoes History. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDeleteAllRedoHistory (nHistoryID, bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs) |
APIDeleteAllRedoHistory - Deletes all forward Deltas. More... | |
json | WSM.APICanUndoHistoryReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APICanUndoHistoryReadOnly true if undo is possible. More... | |
json | WSM.APICanRedoHistoryReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APICanRedoHistoryReadOnly true if redo is possible. More... | |
json | WSM.APICanUndoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly (nHistoryID, nDeltaID) |
APICanUndoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly true if undo is possible. More... | |
json | WSM.APICanRedoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly (nHistoryID, nDeltaID) |
APICanRedoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly true if redo is possible. More... | |
json | WSM.APIUndoOrRedoHistoryToDelta (nHistoryID, nDeltaID, bAndDeleteRedo) |
Step backward or forward until the given Delta is reached. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllHistoryDeltasReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Get the IDs of all deltas in the given history. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetHistoryDeltasReadOnly (nHistoryID, nStartDeltaID, nEndDeltaID) |
Get the IDs of the deltas in the given closed range in the given history. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMergeDeltas (nHistoryID, nStartDeltaID, nEndDeltaID, bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs) |
APIMergeDeltas merges the specified Delta range. More... | |
json | WSM.APIReverseFaces (nHistoryID, aFaceIDs) |
APIReverseFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aFaceIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APICheckValidityReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
Finds all errors on the Object. More... | |
json | WSM.APICheckHistoryValidityReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Finds all errors in the History (including on every live Object in the History). More... | |
json | WSM.APIComputeAreaReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf) |
Computes the surface area of the Object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIComputeVolumeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf) |
Computes the volume of the Object. More... | |
json | WSM.APICopyObject (nHistoryID, nToHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APICopyObject copies nObjectID in nHistoryID to nToHistoryID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDragFace (nHistoryID, nObjectID, nDistance, bMerge) |
APIDragFace drags a face nObjectID along it normal by nDistance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDragFaces (nHistoryID, aaFaceIDs, aDists, aDirs, bMerge) |
APIDragFaces drags a group of faces aaFaceIDs by aDistance for each group. More... | |
json | WSM.APIScaleFace (nHistoryID, nFaceID, aScaleFactor) |
Scales a Face by given scale factor, around its centroid. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetObjectProperties (nHistoryID, nObjectID, sObjectName, bReportAreaByLevel, aDefaultLevelIDs) |
Sets the properties of a given object (Body): A name and if that particular body reports its area by level or not. More... | |
json | WSM.APIOffsetFace (nHistoryID, nFaceID, dOffsetDistance, bOffsetHolesToo, trans, bReadOnly) |
APIOffsetFace offsets a copy of the boundary a face by given distance. More... | |
json | WSM.APITaperFace (nHistoryID, nFaceID, dRadians, axis) |
Taper a Face by angle around the given axis The angle of rotation is a radian from -PI/2 to PI/2 The angle of rotation is relative to the direction of the axis and the normal of the face. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRotateFace (nHistoryID, nFaceID, aRadian) |
APIRotateFace rotates face by given radian using default rotation axis. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRotateFaceBetweenPoints (nHistoryID, nFaceID, startPt, endPt) |
Rotates a Face between two given points Both points are projected into the face plane The angle of rotation is a radian from 0 to 2PI, determined by the angle counterclockwise from Vector(startPt-faceCenter) to Vector(endPt-faceCenter), with normal as the face's normal Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, startPt, endPt Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMergeBody (nHistoryID, nBodyID, dSmoothCosAngle) |
Merges all the merge-able Edges and Vertices out of a Body. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateBlock (nHistoryID, point3d1, point3d2) |
Create a block with the given corners. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateCircleOrArc (nHistoryID, radius, posCenter, xAxis, yAxis, dStartParam, dEndParam, accuracyORcount, bReadOnly, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets) |
Create a circle or arc defined by C(t) = posCenter + radius * (xAxis * cos(t) + yAxis * sin(t)) where t goes from dStartParam to dEndParam Parameter accuracyORcount means: MAX distance between base circle and segment as portion of R, if < .75 number of divisions (double rounded to int) over 90 degree arc, if >= .75 Parameters: In: nHistoryID , radius, posCenter, xAxis, yAxis, dStartParam, dEndParam, accuracyORcount, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets Out: nObjectID. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateCircleOrArcFromPoints (nHistoryID, arcStartPos, arcEndPos, thirdPoint, accuracyORcount, bReadOnly, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets, bCircle) |
Create a circle or arc defined by points Parameter accuracyORcount means: MAX distance between base circle and segment as portion of R, if < .75 number of divisions (double rounded to int) over 90 degree arc, if >= .75 Parameters: In: nHistoryID, arcStartPos, arcEndPos, thirdPoint, accuracyORcount, bReadOnly, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets, bCircle Out: The created vector of points. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateHermiteSpline (nHistoryID, aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, bReadOnly) |
Tessellate a cubic spline that touches all aControlPoints Fills the tessellated points into aOutPoints bClosed specifies that the end point is the start point, so the curve must be smooth and closed startTangent is an optional Vector that specifies the tangent at the start point endTangent is an option Vector that specifies the tangent at the end point bReadOnly, if true does not put geometry into the scene, only returns the tessellated points. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateClampedHermiteSplineDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, aControlPoints, startTangent, endTangent, bClosed, aVertexIDsOnSpline, nNumberOfNewContolPoints) |
json | WSM.APICreateRectangle (nHistoryID, firstEdgePt1, firstEdgePt2, projectionPt, bReadOnly) |
Create a rectangle based on one edge and a third point. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateHemisphere (nHistoryID, nRadius, centerPt, nAccuracyORcount) |
Create a hemisphere with the radius and at the given center point. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateCone (nHistoryID, nRadius, nHeight, centerPt, nAccuracyORcount) |
Create a cone (above Z=0) with given parameters. More... | |
json | WSM.APISweep (nHistoryID, aProfile, aPath, bRemoveUnusedProfileAndPath) |
APISweep creates a sweep from profile and path from Objects in GroupInstancePaths in nHistoryID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIOffset3d (nHistoryID, nObjectID, dDistance) |
APIOffset3d offsets all the Faces in the given Object by the amount specified. More... | |
json | WSM.APIShell (nHistoryID, nBodyID, dDistance, aOpenFaceIDs) |
APIShell shells the given Body by the specified distance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIBlend (nHistoryID, dRadius, aPathIDs, accuracyORcount, nMinimumNumberOfFacets) |
APIBlend creates a blend surface using the specified path. More... | |
json | WSM.APIOffsetEdges (nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, dOffsetDistance, trans, bReadOnly) |
APIOffsetEdges offsets Edges by given distance. More... | |
json | WSM.APICover (nHistoryID, aEdgeIDs, bMerge) |
APICover makes Faces the cover a closed circuit of Edges. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoft (nHistoryID, aaProfileIDs, bDeleteInteriorProfileFaces) |
APILoft makes Faces that connect a vector of profiles. More... | |
json | WSM.APIExtrudeEdges (nHistoryID, aProfileIDs, t) |
APIExtrudeEdges makes a Face from the given profile and a transformed copy of the edges. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadAXMFile (nHistoryID, sFilePath, isImport, logOutputPath) |
Load an AXM file, both pre WSM and current. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadMaterialsFromAXMFile (nHistoryID, sFilePath) |
Load only materials and their textures from an AXM file into the given history. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveToAXMFileReadOnly (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, sFilePath, aPreviewImage, bWithChildren) |
Saves Objects to an AXM file. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadFromFile (nHistoryID, sFilePath, eFileType, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dScaleFactor) |
APILoadFromFile Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath, eFileType, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dScaleFactor Out: iObjectIdOffset. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadFromFacets (nHistoryID, facetsData, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dRemoveDuplicateTol) |
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, facetsData, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dRemoveDuplicateTol Out: IDs of created objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveLastDeltaToBinaryFile (nHistoryID, sFilePath) |
Save last Delta and all changed Objects to a binary file. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveDeltaToBinaryStringReadOnly (nHistoryID, nDeltaID) |
APISaveDeltaToBinaryStringReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, [nDeltaID] Out: base64Str, deltaID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetLastDeltaIDReadOnly (nHistoryID, nBeforeLast) |
Get the ID of the target Delta, which is nBeforeLast before the last Delta (even for zero nBeforeLast , it may be different from the active Delta ID, if there are available Redo states). More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveDeltaToSolidDefReadOnly (nHistoryID, bForUndo) |
Gets the changed, created, and deleted objects in the most recent delta and encodes this information in a solid-def JSON string so that solid-def stored in HFDM can be kept up to date. More... | |
json | WSM.APIAddSolidDefGuids (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs) |
APIAddSolidDefGuids: Adds solid-def guids in StringAttributes to the given Objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadDeltaFromBinaryString (nHistoryID, base64Str, nDeltaID, base64encoded) |
APILoadDeltaFromBinaryString Parameters: In: nHistoryID, base64Str, [nDeltaID, [base64encoded]] Out: nDeltaID. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveToFileReadOnly (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, sFilePath, eFileType, bWithChildren, dExportScale, aExcludedObjects, aLayerDisplayedNegateVec) |
Save Objects to a file of the specified type. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveAllActiveObjectsToBinaryFileReadOnly (nHistoryID, sFilePath) |
Save all active Objects to a binary file. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveHistoryToBinaryFileReadOnly (nHistoryID, sFilePath, aLayerDisplayedNegateVec) |
Save the whole history (with all undo states) to a binary file. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveHistoryToBinaryStringReadOnly (nHistoryID, bBase64Encode, aLayerDisplayedNegateVec) |
Save the whole history (with all undo states) to a binary string. More... | |
json | WSM.APISaveToStringReadOnly (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, bWithChildren, aExcludedObjects, aLayerDisplayedNegateVec, eFileType) |
Save Objects to a string. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadFromString (nHistoryID, saveString, eFileType, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dScaleFactor) |
Load a model from a string containing serialization of one of the supported types. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadHistoryFromBinaryString (nHistoryID, base64Str, base64encoded) |
Load the whole history (with all undo states) from an, optionally base64 encoded, string and add to to an empty History. More... | |
json | WSM.APILoadDeltaFromBinaryFile (nHistoryID, sFilePath) |
Load Delta from a binary file and add it to the History. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreatePolyline (nHistoryID, aPoint3ds, bForceClosed) |
Creates a polyline using 3D sketching not linking with existing topology. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateExtrusion (nHistoryID, aPoint3ds, dist) |
Create an extrusion on the given History. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateCylinder (nHistoryID, aPosCenter, aRadius, aHeight, aAccuracyORcount, aAxis) |
Create a cylinder on the given History. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetBodyFacesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
GetBodyFacesReadOnly returns an array of Face IDs. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRegisterProgressCallbacksReadOnly (startCbkStr, progressCbkStr, finishCbkStr, progressIncrement, progressStart, progressEnd) |
Register API progress callback. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetTopLevelOwnersReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetTopLevelOwnersReadOnly returns the top level owners of the given Object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectsByTypeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID, nType, bUpstream) |
Returns all the objects of type 'nType' contained by the Object the given nObjectID if bUpstream is false; otherwise, return all the objects of type "nType" which are the parents of given object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllObjectsByTypeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nType) |
Returns all the objects of type 'nType' contained by the history Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nType nType- WSM.nObjectType.nUnSpecifiedType WSM.nObjectType.nBodyType WSM.nObjectType.nLumpType WSM.nObjectType.nShellType WSM.nObjectType.nFaceType WSM.nObjectType.nLoopType WSM.nObjectType.nCoedgeType WSM.nObjectType.nEdgeType WSM.nObjectType.nVertexType Out: Array of Object IDs of the given nType. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectTypeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetObjectTypeReadOnly returns an object type. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectNameReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetObjectNameReadOnly returns an object type. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectPropertiesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
Gets the properties of a given object (Body): A name and if that particular body reports its area by level or not Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, Out: sObjectName, bReportAreaByLevel. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInActiveDeltaReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectType, bForUndo) |
APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInActiveDeltaReadOnly Parameters: In: History ID, WSM.nObjectType nObjectType, bool bForUndo Out: Vector of Created, Vector of Changed, Vector of Deleted,. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInDeltaRangeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nStartDelta, nEndDelta, aObjectTypes) |
APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInDeltaRangeReadOnly Parameters: In: History ID, first Delta ID, second Delta ID, nObjectTypes Out: Vector of Created, Vector of Changed, Vector of Deleted,. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetEdgeOrVertexMarkedSmoothReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
GetEdgeMarkedSmoothReadOnly Returns whether an edge is marked as smooth. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetEdgesOrVerticesMarkedSmooth (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, bSmooth) |
SetEdgesOrVerticesMarkedSmooth Marks all of aObjectIDs' smoothness. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsEdgeSilhouetteReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView) |
APIIsEdgeSilhouetteReadOnly Returns whether an edge is a silhouette. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDetectSilhouettesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView, bSmoothOnly) |
APIDetectSilhouettesReadOnly Returns a list of silhouette edges from a list of edges. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDetectFreeEdgesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs) |
APIDetectFreeEdgesReadOnly Returns a list of edges that have only one or zero faces connected and a list of non free edges. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsEdgeManifoldReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID) |
Returns whether an edge has exactly two coedges on two distinct faces. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFacePlaneReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
GetFacePlaneReadOnly returns the plane of nFaceID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceCentroidPoint3dReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIGetFaceCentroidPoint3dReadOnly returns the centroid point of nFaceID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceConnectedComponentReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID, bUseVertices, bSmooth) |
APIGetFaceConnectedComponentReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, bUseVertices, bSmooth Out: aConnectedFaces. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceVariantReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIGetFaceVariantReadOnly returns the variant of nFaceID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceVertexNormalsReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIGetFaceVertexNormalsReadOnly returns the plane of nFaceID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetVertexPoint3dReadOnly (nHistoryID, nVertexID) |
APIGetVertexPoint3d returns the Point3d of a Vertex Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID Out: pt. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetIdOfActiveDeltaReadOnly (nHistoryID, nDeltaOffset) |
Get the active Delta ID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetBodyEdgesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nBodyID) |
APIGetBodyEdgesReadOnly returns an array of all edge IDs for the given nBodyID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllNonOwnedReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APIGetAllNonOwnedReadOnly returns an array of all NonOwned Object IDs. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllConnectedNonOwnedReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetAllConnectedNonOwnedReadOnly returns an array of all NonOwned Object IDs that are connected to nObjectID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly (nHistoryID, line3dPickRay, dRayRadius, bVertices, bEdges, bFaces) |
APIRayFireReadOnly calls WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRayFireSortedReadOnly (nHistoryID, line3dPickRay, dRayRadius, bVertices, bEdges, bFaces, dMaxParam, bSearchInGroups, aIgnoreObjects) |
APIRayFireSortedReadOnly calls WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIntersectsNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly (nHistoryID, aPlanes, bVertices, bEdges, bFaces, bStrict, dTol, line3dPickRay, bSearchInGroups, bPickInstances, aIgnoreObjects, bOneOnlyTest) |
json | WSM.APITransformObject (nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf3d) |
APITransformObject transforms nObjectID by the given transform (transf3d). More... | |
json | WSM.APITransformObjects (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, transf3d) |
APITransformObjects transforms aObjectIDs by the given transform (transf3d). More... | |
json | WSM.APIDeleteObject (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIDeleteObject deletes nObjectID in the given nHistoryID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDeleteObjects (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs) |
APIDeleteObjects deletes a vector of aObjectIDs in the given nHistoryID. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateEmptyBody (nHistoryID) |
APICreateEmptyBody creates an empty body. More... | |
json | WSM.APIAddFaceComponentToBody (nHistoryID, nFaceID, nBodyID) |
APIAddFaceComponentToBody adds a Face and all connected Faces to a Body. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMoveVertices (nHistoryID, aVertexIDs, aNewVertexPositions) |
APIMoveVertices moves the vertices specified in aVertexIDs to the given positions in aNewVertexPositions. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMoveObject (nHistoryID, objectID, displacement) |
APIMoveObject moves the given object with displacement. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMoveObjects (nHistoryID, objectIDs, transf3d) |
APIMoveObjects moves the given objects with t. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDumpResults () |
Dump the list of Results managed by ScriptInstance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetResultsCount () |
Get the number of Results managed by ScriptInstance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIClearResults () |
Clear the list of Results managed by ScriptInstance. More... | |
json | WSM.APIConnectPoint3ds (nHistoryID, point3d1, point3d2) |
APIConnectPoint3ds Parameters: In: nHistoryID, point3d1, point3d2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIConnectVertexAndPoint3d (nHistoryID, nVertexID, point3d) |
APIConnectVertexAndPoint3d Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID, point3d Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIConnectVertices (nHistoryID, nVertexID1, nVertexID2) |
APIConnectVertices Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID1, nVertexID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIImprint (nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2, bChangeBoth) |
APIImprint Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2, bChangeBoth Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIImprintWithPlane (nHistoryID, nObjectID, plane) |
APIImprintWithPlane Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, plane Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsEdgeOnCircleReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID) |
APIIsEdgeOnCircleReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllCircleSiblings, bHasCircleAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEditCircleEdges (nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis, angle) |
APIEditCircleEdges Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsEdgeOnSplineReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID) |
APIIsEdgeOnSplineReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID Out: aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, aAllSplineSiblings, bHasSplineAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEditSplineEdges (nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent) |
APIEditSplineEdges Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsFaceOnCylinderReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIIsFaceOnCylinderReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllCylinderSiblings, bHasCylinderAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEditCylinderFaces (nHistoryID, nFaceIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis) |
APIEditCylinderFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsFaceOnSphereReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIIsFaceOnSphereReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllSphereSiblings, bHasSphereAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEditSphereFaces (nHistoryID, nFaceIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis) |
APIEditSphereFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsFaceOnExtrudeReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIIsFaceOnExtrudeReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: base, axis, xaxis, aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, aAllExtrudeSiblings, bHasExtrudeAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsFaceOnBlendReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIIsFaceOnBlendReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, aPathPoints, aAllBlendSiblings, bHasBlendAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIUnite (nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2, aExtraObjectsIDs) |
APIUnite Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APISubtract (nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2, aExtraObjectsIDs) |
APISubtract Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APIUniteNonDestructive (blank, tools) |
APIUniteNonDestructive Parameters: In: blank, tools Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APISubtractNonDestructive (blank, tools) |
APISubtractNonDestructive Parameters: In: blank, tools Out: JSON_UNDEFINED. More... | |
json | WSM.APISeparate (nHistoryID, nBodyID) |
APISeparate Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nBodyID Out: A vector of new Body IDs. More... | |
json | WSM.APISlice (nHistoryID, nDestinationHistoryID, nObjectID, plane, aIgnoreObjects) |
APISlice When aIgnoreObjects is not empty, only objects that are not part of aIgnoreObjects are sliced. More... | |
json | WSM.APISliceHistoryReadOnly (nHistoryID, plane, aIgnoreObjects) |
APISliceHistoryReadOnly Slices the history with the Plane creating line points. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetMemorySizeReadOnly (nHistoryID, bCollapsedHistoryWithLiveObjsOnly) |
APIGetMemorySizeReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: nBytes. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetVersionReadOnly () |
APIGetVersionReadOnly Parameters: In: Out: JSON. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetDatabaseVersionReadOnly () |
APIGetDatabaseVersionReadOnly Parameters: In: Out: JSON. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetBoxReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf) |
APIGetBoxReadOnly Parameters: In nHistoryID, nObjectID (Optional), transf (Optional) Out: Interval3d. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEnableJournaling (nHistoryID, sFilePath) |
APIEnableJournaling If sFilePath is not provided, the journal will be stored in a string. More... | |
json | WSM.APIEnableJournalingToString (nHistoryID) |
json | WSM.APIEnableJournalingTypes (aTypes) |
APIEnableJournalingTypes() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDisableJournaling () |
APIDisableJournaling() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIFaceContainsPointReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID, point) |
APIFaceContainsPointReadOnly() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetInvalidID () |
APIGetInvalidID Parameters: In: Out: ID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIValidID (nID) |
APIValidID. More... | |
json | WSM.FacetsBodyData (m_points, m_polygonIndices, m_polygonSmoothingIds, m_colors, m_polygonColorIndices, m_pointColors) |
GroupInstancePath creation method In: m_points, m_polygonIndices, m_polygonSmoothingIds, m_colors, m_polygonColorIndices, m_pointColors Out: FacetsBodyData. More... | |
json | WSM.GroupInstancePath (objectIDs) |
GroupInstancePath takes any form of Objects (GroupInstancePath, GroupInstancePathArray, ObjectHistoryIDArray, ObjectIDArray) and coverts to GroupInstancePath. More... | |
json | WSM.ObjectHistoryID (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
json | WSM.ObjectHistoryIDAreEqual (id1, id2) |
ObjectHistoryIDAreEqual equals method In: ObjectID, ObjectID Out: bool. More... | |
json | WSM.Color (r, g, b, a) |
Color constructs a Color. More... | |
json | WSM.ColorAreEqual (c1, c2) |
ColorAreEqual returns true if the two given colors are equal. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetCoedgeDirectionReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetCoedgeDirectionReadOnly returns true if coedge and edge go in the same direction. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetConvexityReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeOrLoopID) |
APIGetConvexityReadOnly returns the convexity of Edge or Loop ID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetConvexityConnectedComponentReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLoopOrFaceID, nConvexity) |
APIGetConvexityConnectedComponentReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nLoopOrFaceID, nConvexity Out: aConnectedFaces. More... | |
json | WSM.APICopyOrSketchAndTransformObjects (nFromHistoryID, nToHistoryID, aFromObjectIDs, transform, nNumCopies, bGroupBodies, groupTransf3d) |
APICopyOrSketchAndTransformObjects makes numCopies of the given objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetObjectsMaterial (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, nMaterialID) |
APISetObjectsMaterial sets a material for the given object. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetFaceBacksideMaterial (nHistoryID, aFaceIDs, nMaterialID) |
Sets the material given by MaterialID as the backside material of the given faces. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceBacksideMaterialReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
Gets the material of the backside of the given face. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectAttributesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
Get all of the Attributes of the given Object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectMaterialReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIGetObjectMaterialReadOnly gets an Object's material. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateMaterial (nHistoryID, nColor, dHorizonalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID, sMaterialName, sMaterialIdentifier, aAdditionalRenderData, aAdditionalTextures) |
APICreateMaterial makes a new Material. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateMaterialWithTexture (nHistoryID, nColor, dHorizonalScale, dVerticalScale, aBitmapData, bUseBitmapAlpha, sMaterialName, sMaterialIdentifier, aAdditionalRenderData, aAdditionalTextures, sTextureName) |
APICreateMaterialWithTexture makes a new Material. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetMaterialColor (nHistoryID, nMaterialID, nColor) |
APISetMaterialColor sets the color on a Material. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetMaterialData (nHistoryID, nMaterialID, nColor, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID, sMaterialName, sMaterialIdentifier, aAdditionalRenderData, aAdditionalTextures) |
APISetMaterialData sets all the data of a Material. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetMaterialTexture (nHistoryID, nMaterialID, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID) |
APISetMaterialTexture sets the texture properties on a Material. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetMaterialDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMaterialID) |
APIGetMaterialDataReadOnly gets the Material properties. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateTexture (nHistoryID, aBitmapData, bUseBitmapAlpha, sTextureName) |
APICreateTexture creates a new Texture object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aBitmapData, sTextureName Out: nCreatedTextureID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetTextureDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nTextureID) |
APIGetTextureDataReadOnly gets a Texture object's bitmap data Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nTextureID Out: JSON object with data. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetTextureData (nHistoryID, nTextureID, aBitmapData, bUseBitmapAlpha, sTextureName) |
APISetTexture data sets the bitmap data on a texture Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nTextureID, sBitmapData, nBytes Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectTextureCoordinatesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetObjectTextureCoordinatesReadOnly generates tex coords for body or single face Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: aTexCoords. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateLevelObjects (nHistoryID, aLevelsData) |
APICreateLevelObjects makes new Levels. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetLevelsData (nHistoryID, aLevelIDs, aLevelsData) |
APISetLevelsData sets the elevation and name properties on Level. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetLevelDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLevelID) |
APIGetLevelDataReadOnly gets the elevation and name properties. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetObjectsLevels (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, aLevelsIDs) |
APISetObjectsLevels sets the Levels pointed by aLevelsIDs to objects pointed by aObjectIDs. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectLayersReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetObjectLayersReadOnly gets all layer ids of the given object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetObjectLevelsReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIGetObjectLevelsReadOnly gets all level's ids of the given object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsObjectLiveReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIIsObjectLiveReadOnly checks if an object is alive in history Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: bIsLive. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsHistoryLiveReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APIIsHistoryLiveReadOnly checks if an history is alive Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: bIsLive. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsNonOwnedReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIIsNonOwnedReadOnly returns whether this object has an owner. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetLocalCoordinateSystemReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Get the LCS (local coordinate system) of the given History. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetLocalCoordinateSystem (nHistoryID, transf3d) |
Set the LCS (local coordinate system) of the given History. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateImageObject (nHistoryID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCornersVector) |
APICreateImageObject creates a image object. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateImageObjectWithTexture (nHistoryID, sName, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCornersVector, aBitmapData, sTextureName) |
APICreateImageObjectWithTexture creates a image object with texture. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateSatelliteImageObject (nHistoryID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCornersVector, coordinates, coordinatesSpan, aPixelDimensionsVector) |
APICreateSatelliteImageObject creates a image object. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMoveImage (nHistoryID, nImageID, nShift) |
APIMoveImage moves the image along z axis. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetImageData (nHistoryID, nImageID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCornersVector) |
APISetImageData sets data to image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, aCorners Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceFacetsReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID) |
APIGetFaceFacetsReadOnly gets the list of vertices grouped by triangles Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: aFacets. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetSatelliteData (nHistoryID, nImageID, coordinates, coordinatesSpan, aPixelDimensions) |
APISetSatelliteData sets satellite data to image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID, coordinates, coordinatesSpan, aPixelDim Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRemoveSatelliteData (nHistoryID, nImageID) |
APIRemoveSatelliteData removes satellite data from image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetImageDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nImageID) |
APIGetImageDataReadOnly gets image data Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: sName, nTextureID, nPosition, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, bHasSatelliteData. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetSatelliteDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nImageID) |
APIGetSatelliteDataReadOnly gets satellite data from image Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: sName, nTextureID, nPosition, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, bHasSatelliteData. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateGroup (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, aInstanceTransforms, nReferencedHistoryID, transGeometry) |
APICreateGroup creates a Group from a vector of Objects Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, aInstanceTransforms, nReferencedHistoryID Out: nCreatedGroupID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetRevitFamilyInformationReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APIGetRevitFamilyInformationReadOnly returns Revit Family information of the history. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetRevitFamilyInformation (nHistoryID, bIsGeneratedFromRFA, bIsGeneratedFromBuiltinRFA, familyCategory, familyReference, familyType, familyExtraData) |
APISetRevitFamilyInformation sets Revit Family information of the history. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetGroupReferencedHistoryReadOnly (nHistoryID, nGroupOrInstanceID, bDeletedInstanceOK, nDeltaOffset) |
APIGetGroupReferencedHistoryReadOnly returns the ID of the Group's or Instance's referenced History Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nGroupOrInstanceID, bDeletedInstanceOK, nDeltaOffset Out: nReferencedHistoryID. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetAllAggregateTransf3dsReadOnly (nReferencedHistoryID, nTopMostHistoryID) |
APIGetAllAggregateTransf3dsReadOnly returns aggregate global transformations on a History referenced by a Group or Groups. More... | |
json | WSM.APIFlattenGroupsOrInstances (nHistoryID, aGroupOrInstanceIDs, bRecursive, bImprint) |
Replace the instances and/or groups referenced in aGroupOrInstanceIDs by a copy of the contents of the referenced history. More... | |
json | WSM.APIAddInstancesToGroup (nHistoryID, nGroupID, aTransforms) |
Creates new instances in the specified group and returns their IDs. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateSeparateHistoriesForInstances (nHistoryID, aInstanceIDs, bNewGroupPerInstance) |
Creates new copies of the existing groups and the referenced histories for the specified instances. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateStringAttribute (nHistoryID, sKey, sValue, aObjIDs, nCopyBehavior, bIsSharedOnSplit) |
Create a StringAttribute optionally attaching it to the given Objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetStringAttributeKeyValueReadOnly (nHistoryID, nStringAttributeID) |
Gets the key and value strings from a StringAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetStringAttributeValue (nHistoryID, nStringAttributeID, sValue) |
Sets the value strings for a StringAttribute In: nHistoryID, nStringAttributeID, sValue. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetStringAttributesByKeyReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID, sKey) |
Returns all StringAttributes attached to the Object given by nObjectID with key matching sKey. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetRenderableFaceReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID, bCalculateTexCoords, bBackSide) |
Returns vertices in groups of 3 (triangles), with associated normals and optionally texture coordinates. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetFaceUVDataAttributes (nHistoryID, aFaceIDs, rTransf3d, bReplaceTransform, tformCenter, tformUVCenter) |
Sets FaceUVDataAttributes on the faces passed in and applies a transform to them. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceUVDataTransformReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceID, bBackSide) |
Gets the 2d transform, returned as a 3d transform, for the uvs on the given Face. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetFaceUVDataAttributeUVsReadOnly (nHistoryID, nFaceUVDataAttributeID) |
Gets the UVs from a FaceUVDataAttribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetEdgePointsReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID) |
Get edge endpoints directly. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsHistoryNonTemporaryReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Returns whether a history is temporary or not. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateLayer (nHistoryID, name, bDisplayed) |
Create a layer object with a given name and display flag. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetLayerDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLayerID) |
Get the data from a layer. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetLayerData (nHistoryID, nLayerID, name, bDisplayed) |
Set the data of a layer. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetLayersDisplayed (nHistoryID, aLayerIDs, bDisplayed) |
Set the display flag of layers without affecting the other data. More... | |
json | WSM.APIAddObjectsLayers (nHistoryID, aLayerIDs, aObjectIDs) |
Add layers to objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APIRemoveObjectsLayers (nHistoryID, aLayerIDs, aObjectIDs) |
Remove layers from objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APIAddRemoveObjectsLayers (nHistoryID, aAddLayerIDs, aRemoveLayerIDs, aObjectIDs) |
Add layers to and remove layers from objects in a single operation. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateGeometryFromData (nHistoryID, aTextures, aMaterials, aLayers, aInstances, aFaceCollections, aEdges, aCurves, aImages, aGroupName, bCreateMesh) |
Load a model from vectors of various data in a single delta. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateEdgesFromData (nHistoryID, aLayers, aEdges, aCurves, bCreateMesh, accuracyORcount) |
Load a set of edges from vectors of various data in a single delta. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsEdgeMergeableReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID, bUseMaterial) |
APIIsEdgeMergeableReadOnly In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID, bUseMaterial Out:bool (true or false that the Edge is mergeable. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetEdgeStyleReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID) |
Get the style of an edge. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetEdgesStyle (nHistoryID, aEdgeIDs, nColor) |
Set the style of edges on given objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsExactMatchReadOnly (nHistoryID1, nHistoryID2, nObjectID1, nObjectID2) |
API compares either two Histories or two Objects and sets bIsExact to true when they match exactly. More... | |
json | WSM.APIDebugObjectReadOnly (nHistoryID, nObjectID) |
APIDebugObjectReadOnly() function. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetDynamoModelInformationReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
APIGetDynamoModelInformationReadOnly returns Dynamo Model information of the history. More... | |
json | WSM.APISetDynamoModelInformation (nHistoryID, id, name, config, delta) |
APISetDynamoModelInformation sets Dynamo Model information of the history. More... | |
json | WSM.Is32Bit () |
Is32Bit returns true if WSM is compiled in 32 bit. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetConnectedEdgesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nEdgeID, bBreakOnNonSmooth) |
Returns all connected edges of a seed edge. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetEnabledJournalingTypesReadOnly () |
APIGetEnabledJournalingTypesReadOnly returns the list of journaling 'types' that are enabled. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetHistoryReferencingGroupsReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Returns a vector with groups that reference this history. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetInstanceTransf3dReadOnly (nHistoryID, nInstanceID) |
Returns the Instance's Transf3d. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetPointsFromObjectIDsReadOnly (nHistoryID, aIDs) |
Helper function used in sweeping to get points from the profile or path Objects. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsJournalingReadOnly () |
Check if Journaling is enabled. More... | |
json | WSM.APICleanModel (nHistoryID, dEdgeTol) |
Changes the model fixing errors and getting rid of undesired features. More... | |
json | WSM.APISplitAtNonManifoldEdgesAndVertices (nHistoryID) |
Changes the model so that every edge on more than two faces and every vertex with more than one edge group is copied so that these conditions no longer occur. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateMesh (nHistoryID, aPoints, aTriangles, aNormals, aUVs, aColors) |
Create a Mesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetMeshDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID) |
Get the data from a Mesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIComputeSharedMeshDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID, dCosSmoothAngle) |
Compute the shared data from a Mesh where mesh vertices with the same point and normal are not repeated. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMeshContainsPointReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID, point) |
Returns true and the normal if the Mesh contains the point. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMeshPointOnOrInsideIfManifoldReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID, point) |
Return true if the given point is on the Mesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMeshComputeSilhouetteEdgesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView) |
Returns silhouette edges from the Mesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIMeshComputeNonSmoothEdgesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID, dCosSmoothAngle) |
Returns non-smooth edges from the Mesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIConvertMeshesToObjects (nHistoryID, aMeshIDs, dCosSmoothAngle, bFlatten) |
Converts Meshes into Bodies with triangular Faces. More... | |
json | WSM.APILinkMeshesForConversion (nHistoryID, aMeshIDs) |
Link the Meshes with a shared string Attribute. More... | |
json | WSM.APIConvertObjectsToMeshes (nHistoryID, aObjectIDs) |
Converts non-Mesh Objects into Meshes with one Mesh per Material used. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateVertex (nHistoryID, position) |
Create a Vertex with the given position. More... | |
json | WSM.APIFlattenFaces (nHistoryID, aFaceIDs, dTol) |
Flattens all Faces given by aFaceIDs onto the plane of the first Face when all Faces lie within dTol of the first Face's plane, then merges into a single Face. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreateLineMesh (nHistoryID, aPoints, aIndices, aCounts) |
Create a LineMesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetLineMeshDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLineMeshID) |
Get the data from a LineMesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APILineMeshContainsPointReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLineMeshID, point) |
Returns true if the LineMesh contains the point. More... | |
json | WSM.APILineMeshGetPointsOnNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nLineMeshID, aPlanes, line3dPickRay, dTol) |
Get all points nearest the given line from segments of the LineMesh that lie on the negative side of all the given Planes. More... | |
json | WSM.APICreatePointMesh (nHistoryID, aPoints) |
Create a PointMesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIGetPointMeshDataReadOnly (nHistoryID, nPointMeshID) |
Get the data from a PointMesh. More... | |
json | WSM.APIPointMeshContainsPointReadOnly (nHistoryID, nPointMeshID, point) |
Returns true if the PointMesh contains the point. More... | |
json | WSM.APIIsMeshManifoldReadOnly (nHistoryID, nMeshID) |
Returns true if the Mesh is manifold, i.e. More... | |
json | WSM.APIPointMeshGetPointsOnNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly (nHistoryID, nPointMeshID, aPlanes, dTol) |
Get all points of the PointMesh that lie on the negative side of all the given Planes. More... | |
json | WSM.APIPushMirrorTransformationsOntoGeometry (nHistoryID) |
Pushes mirror Instance transformations onto the underlying geometry sharing referenced Histories as much as possible. More... | |
json | WSM.APICheckMassesCollideReadOnly (nHistoryID) |
Returns true if bodies that enclose volume (possibly in instances) touch or overlap. More... | |
json WSM.APIAddFaceComponentToBody | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
nBodyID | |||
) |
APIAddFaceComponentToBody adds a Face and all connected Faces to a Body.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, nBodyID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | nBodyID | int |
json WSM.APIAddInstancesToGroup | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nGroupID | , | ||
aTransforms | |||
) |
Creates new instances in the specified group and returns their IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nGroupID | int |
[in] | aTransforms | Array of WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIAddObjectsLayers | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLayerIDs | , | ||
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
Add layers to objects.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLayerIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIAddRemoveObjectsLayers | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aAddLayerIDs | , | ||
aRemoveLayerIDs | , | ||
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
Add layers to and remove layers from objects in a single operation.
The Add operations happen first, so if the same layer is in both vectors, the layer will be removed from the object.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aAddLayerIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aRemoveLayerIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIAddSolidDefGuids | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
APIAddSolidDefGuids: Adds solid-def guids in StringAttributes to the given Objects.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | Array of int |
json WSM.APIBlend | ( | nHistoryID | , |
dRadius | , | ||
aPathIDs | , | ||
accuracyORcount | , | ||
nMinimumNumberOfFacets | |||
) |
APIBlend creates a blend surface using the specified path.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, dRadius, aPathIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | dRadius | double |
[in] | aPathIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | accuracyORcount | (OPTIONAL, default = 6.0) double |
[in] | nMinimumNumberOfFacets | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
json WSM.APICanRedoHistoryReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APICanRedoHistoryReadOnly true if redo is possible.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: bool
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APICanRedoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | |||
) |
APICanRedoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly true if redo is possible.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID Out: bool
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | int |
json WSM.APICanUndoHistoryReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APICanUndoHistoryReadOnly true if undo is possible.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: bool
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APICanUndoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | |||
) |
APICanUndoHistoryToDeltaReadOnly true if undo is possible.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID Out: bool
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | int |
json WSM.APIChangeHistoryID | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
json WSM.APICheckHistoryValidityReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Finds all errors in the History (including on every live Object in the History).
Note this is a read only operation. Returns the number of bad Results.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APICheckMassesCollideReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Returns true if bodies that enclose volume (possibly in instances) touch or overlap.
In: nHistoryID Out: Boolean.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APICheckValidityReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
Finds all errors on the Object.
Note this is a read-only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: The number of Results
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APICleanModel | ( | nHistoryID | , |
dEdgeTol | |||
) |
Changes the model fixing errors and getting rid of undesired features.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, dEdgeTol Out: Vector of changed History IDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | dEdgeTol | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
json WSM.APIClearResults | ( | ) |
Clear the list of Results managed by ScriptInstance.
json WSM.APIComputeAreaReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
transf | |||
) |
Computes the surface area of the Object.
Note, if pTransf3d is non-NULL it is used to transform the Object before computing the area. This should only have an effect on the computation if the transform is non-rigid. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf Out: nArea
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | transf | (OPTIONAL) WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIComputeSharedMeshDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | , | ||
dCosSmoothAngle | |||
) |
Compute the shared data from a Mesh where mesh vertices with the same point and normal are not repeated.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID, dCosSmoothAngle Out: The shared mesh data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
[in] | dCosSmoothAngle | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.86602540378443864676372317075294) double |
json WSM.APIComputeVolumeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
transf | |||
) |
Computes the volume of the Object.
Note, if pTransf3d is non-NULL it is used to transform the Object before computing the volume. This should only have an effect on the computation if the transform is non-rigid. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf Out: nVolume
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | transf | (OPTIONAL) WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIConnectPoint3ds | ( | nHistoryID | , |
point3d1 | , | ||
point3d2 | |||
) |
APIConnectPoint3ds Parameters: In: nHistoryID, point3d1, point3d2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | point3d1 | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | point3d2 | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIConnectVertexAndPoint3d | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nVertexID | , | ||
point3d | |||
) |
APIConnectVertexAndPoint3d Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID, point3d Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nVertexID | int |
[in] | point3d | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIConnectVertices | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nVertexID1 | , | ||
nVertexID2 | |||
) |
APIConnectVertices Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID1, nVertexID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nVertexID1 | int |
[in] | nVertexID2 | int |
json WSM.APIConvertMeshesToObjects | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aMeshIDs | , | ||
dCosSmoothAngle | , | ||
bFlatten | |||
) |
Converts Meshes into Bodies with triangular Faces.
If bMerge is true coplanar Faces will be merged. Converts LineMeshes and PointMeshes into Groups containing non-owned Edges and Vertices respectively. Note the original Meshes, LineMeshes, and PointMeshes are deleted. In: nHistoryID, aMeshIDs, dCosSmoothAngle Out: Created Object IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aMeshIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | dCosSmoothAngle | (OPTIONAL, default = -1.0) double |
[in] | bFlatten | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APIConvertObjectsToMeshes | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
Converts non-Mesh Objects into Meshes with one Mesh per Material used.
The original Objects are deleted. Returns a vector of created Meshes. In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs Out: Created Mesh IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APICopyObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nToHistoryID | , | ||
nObjectID | |||
) |
APICopyObject copies nObjectID in nHistoryID to nToHistoryID.
nHistoryID and nToHistoryID can be the same. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, nToHistoryID Out: nObjectID (The new copied Object)
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nToHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APICopyOrSketchAndTransformObjects | ( | nFromHistoryID | , |
nToHistoryID | , | ||
aFromObjectIDs | , | ||
transform | , | ||
nNumCopies | , | ||
bGroupBodies | , | ||
groupTransf3d | |||
) |
APICopyOrSketchAndTransformObjects makes numCopies of the given objects.
Bodies are copied, anything else is sketched. Parameters: In: nFromHistoryID, nToHistoryID, aFromObjectIDs, transform, nNumCopies, bGroupBodies, groupTransf3d Out: Array of copied body IDs
[in] | nFromHistoryID | int |
[in] | nToHistoryID | int |
[in] | aFromObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | transform | WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | nNumCopies | int |
[in] | bGroupBodies | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | groupTransf3d | (OPTIONAL) WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APICover | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aEdgeIDs | , | ||
bMerge | |||
) |
APICover makes Faces the cover a closed circuit of Edges.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aEdgeIDs, bMerge Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bMerge | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APICreateBlock | ( | nHistoryID | , |
point3d1 | , | ||
point3d2 | |||
) |
Create a block with the given corners.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, point3d1(Point3d) , point3d2(Point3d) Out: nObjectID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | point3d1 | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | point3d2 | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APICreateCircleOrArc | ( | nHistoryID | , |
radius | , | ||
posCenter | , | ||
xAxis | , | ||
yAxis | , | ||
dStartParam | , | ||
dEndParam | , | ||
accuracyORcount | , | ||
bReadOnly | , | ||
trans | , | ||
nMinimumNumberOfFacets | |||
) |
Create a circle or arc defined by C(t) = posCenter + radius * (xAxis * cos(t) + yAxis * sin(t)) where t goes from dStartParam to dEndParam Parameter accuracyORcount means: MAX distance between base circle and segment as portion of R, if < .75 number of divisions (double rounded to int) over 90 degree arc, if >= .75 Parameters: In: nHistoryID , radius, posCenter, xAxis, yAxis, dStartParam, dEndParam, accuracyORcount, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets Out: nObjectID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | radius | double |
[in] | posCenter | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | xAxis | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.UnitVector3d.kXDir) WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | yAxis | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.UnitVector3d.kYDir) WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | dStartParam | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
[in] | dEndParam | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_2PI) double |
[in] | accuracyORcount | (OPTIONAL, default = 10.0) double |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | trans | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | nMinimumNumberOfFacets | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
json WSM.APICreateCircleOrArcFromPoints | ( | nHistoryID | , |
arcStartPos | , | ||
arcEndPos | , | ||
thirdPoint | , | ||
accuracyORcount | , | ||
bReadOnly | , | ||
trans | , | ||
nMinimumNumberOfFacets | , | ||
bCircle | |||
) |
Create a circle or arc defined by points Parameter accuracyORcount means: MAX distance between base circle and segment as portion of R, if < .75 number of divisions (double rounded to int) over 90 degree arc, if >= .75 Parameters: In: nHistoryID, arcStartPos, arcEndPos, thirdPoint, accuracyORcount, bReadOnly, trans, nMinimumNumberOfFacets, bCircle Out: The created vector of points.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | arcStartPos | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | arcEndPos | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | thirdPoint | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | accuracyORcount | (OPTIONAL, default = 10.0) double |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | trans | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | nMinimumNumberOfFacets | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
[in] | bCircle | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APICreateClampedHermiteSplineDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aControlPoints | , | ||
startTangent | , | ||
endTangent | , | ||
bClosed | , | ||
aVertexIDsOnSpline | , | ||
nNumberOfNewContolPoints | |||
) |
json WSM.APICreateCone | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nRadius | , | ||
nHeight | , | ||
centerPt | , | ||
nAccuracyORcount | |||
) |
Create a cone (above Z=0) with given parameters.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nRadius(#), nHeight(#), centerPt(Point3d), nAccuracyORcount(#) Out: nObjectID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nRadius | double |
[in] | nHeight | double |
[in] | centerPt | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | nAccuracyORcount | double |
json WSM.APICreateCylinder | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPosCenter | , | ||
aRadius | , | ||
aHeight | , | ||
aAccuracyORcount | , | ||
aAxis | |||
) |
Create a cylinder on the given History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aPosCenter, aRadius, aHeight, aAxis Out: objID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPosCenter | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | aRadius | double |
[in] | aHeight | double |
[in] | aAccuracyORcount | (OPTIONAL, default = 10) double |
[in] | aAxis | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.UnitVector3d.kZDir) WSM.UnitVector3d |
json WSM.APICreateEdgesFromData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLayers | , | ||
aEdges | , | ||
aCurves | , | ||
bCreateMesh | , | ||
accuracyORcount | |||
) |
Load a set of edges from vectors of various data in a single delta.
All edges are added in a new group which it's hisotry id is returned by this function The structures are defined in the header GeometryDataContainers.h In: nHistoryID, aLayers, aEdges, aCurves, bCreateMesh, accuracyORcount Out: The created group ID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLayers | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.LayerData |
[in] | aEdges | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.EdgeData |
[in] | aCurves | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.CurveData |
[in] | bCreateMesh | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | accuracyORcount | (OPTIONAL, default = 10.0) double |
json WSM.APICreateEmptyBody | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APICreateEmptyBody creates an empty body.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: The Body ID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APICreateExtrusion | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPoint3ds | , | ||
dist | |||
) |
Create an extrusion on the given History.
must have more than 3 points and be on the same plane. Extrusion direction is along the normal direction determined by the anticlockwise polygon.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[in] | aPoint3ds | The input list of points |
[in] | dist | The given distance for dragging the extrusion Out: objID. |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPoint3ds | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | dist | double |
json WSM.APICreateGeometryFromData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aTextures | , | ||
aMaterials | , | ||
aLayers | , | ||
aInstances | , | ||
aFaceCollections | , | ||
aEdges | , | ||
aCurves | , | ||
aImages | , | ||
aGroupName | , | ||
bCreateMesh | |||
) |
Load a model from vectors of various data in a single delta.
The structures are defined in the header GeometryDataContainers.h aGroupName is an optional parameter to give a Name to an history it's mainly used when history is used in conjunction with Groups. If bCreateMesh is true, creates meshes rather than bodies.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aTextures | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.TextureData |
[in] | aMaterials | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.MaterialData |
[in] | aLayers | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.LayerData |
[in] | aInstances | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.InstanceData |
[in] | aFaceCollections | (OPTIONAL) Array of std.vector |
[in] | aEdges | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.EdgeData |
[in] | aCurves | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.CurveData |
[in] | aImages | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ImageData |
[in] | aGroupName | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | bCreateMesh | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APICreateGroup | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
aInstanceTransforms | , | ||
nReferencedHistoryID | , | ||
transGeometry | |||
) |
APICreateGroup creates a Group from a vector of Objects Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, aInstanceTransforms, nReferencedHistoryID Out: nCreatedGroupID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aInstanceTransforms | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | nReferencedHistoryID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | transGeometry | (OPTIONAL) WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APICreateHemisphere | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nRadius | , | ||
centerPt | , | ||
nAccuracyORcount | |||
) |
Create a hemisphere with the radius and at the given center point.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nRadius(#), centerPt(Point3d), nAccuracyORcount(#) Out: nObjectID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nRadius | double |
[in] | centerPt | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | nAccuracyORcount | double |
json WSM.APICreateHermiteSpline | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aControlPoints | , | ||
bClosed | , | ||
startTangent | , | ||
endTangent | , | ||
bReadOnly | |||
) |
Tessellate a cubic spline that touches all aControlPoints Fills the tessellated points into aOutPoints bClosed specifies that the end point is the start point, so the curve must be smooth and closed startTangent is an optional Vector that specifies the tangent at the start point endTangent is an option Vector that specifies the tangent at the end point bReadOnly, if true does not put geometry into the scene, only returns the tessellated points.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, bReadOnly Out: aOutPoints, aOutPointsParams
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aControlPoints | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | bClosed | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | startTangent | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Vector3d.kNull) WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | endTangent | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Vector3d.kNull) WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APICreateHistory | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bNonTemporary | |||
) |
APICreateHistory() function.
[in] | nHistoryID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | bNonTemporary | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APICreateImageObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sName | , | ||
nTextureID | , | ||
fAlphaValue | , | ||
bFeaturesVisible | , | ||
aCornersVector | |||
) |
APICreateImageObject creates a image object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners Out: nObjectID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sName | String |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
[in] | fAlphaValue | double |
[in] | bFeaturesVisible | bool |
[in] | aCornersVector | Array of WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APICreateImageObjectWithTexture | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sName | , | ||
fAlphaValue | , | ||
bFeaturesVisible | , | ||
aCornersVector | , | ||
aBitmapData | , | ||
sTextureName | |||
) |
APICreateImageObjectWithTexture creates a image object with texture.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sName, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, aBitmapData, sTextureName Out: nObjectID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sName | String |
[in] | fAlphaValue | double |
[in] | bFeaturesVisible | bool |
[in] | aCornersVector | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | aBitmapData | Array of char |
[in] | sTextureName | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APICreateLayer | ( | nHistoryID | , |
name | , | ||
bDisplayed | |||
) |
Create a layer object with a given name and display flag.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | name | String |
[in] | bDisplayed | bool |
json WSM.APICreateLevelObjects | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLevelsData | |||
) |
APICreateLevelObjects makes new Levels.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aLevelsData Out: aObjectIDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLevelsData | LevelDataType |
json WSM.APICreateLineMesh | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPoints | , | ||
aIndices | , | ||
aCounts | |||
) |
Create a LineMesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aPoints, aIndices, aCounts Out: ID of created LineMesh.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPoints | Array of float |
[in] | aIndices | Array of uint32_t |
[in] | aCounts | Array of uint32_t |
json WSM.APICreateMaterial | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nColor | , | ||
dHorizonalScale | , | ||
dVerticalScale | , | ||
nTextureID | , | ||
sMaterialName | , | ||
sMaterialIdentifier | , | ||
aAdditionalRenderData | , | ||
aAdditionalTextures | |||
) |
APICreateMaterial makes a new Material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nColor, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID Out: nMaterialID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nColor | WSM.Color |
[in] | dHorizonalScale | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0) double |
[in] | dVerticalScale | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0) double |
[in] | nTextureID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | sMaterialName | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | sMaterialIdentifier | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | aAdditionalRenderData | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstring |
[in] | aAdditionalTextures | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstringsize |
json WSM.APICreateMaterialWithTexture | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nColor | , | ||
dHorizonalScale | , | ||
dVerticalScale | , | ||
aBitmapData | , | ||
bUseBitmapAlpha | , | ||
sMaterialName | , | ||
sMaterialIdentifier | , | ||
aAdditionalRenderData | , | ||
aAdditionalTextures | , | ||
sTextureName | |||
) |
APICreateMaterialWithTexture makes a new Material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nColor, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, aBitmapData, nBytes Out: nMaterialID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nColor | WSM.Color |
[in] | dHorizonalScale | double |
[in] | dVerticalScale | double |
[in] | aBitmapData | Array of char |
[in] | bUseBitmapAlpha | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | sMaterialName | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | sMaterialIdentifier | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | aAdditionalRenderData | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstring |
[in] | aAdditionalTextures | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstringsize |
[in] | sTextureName | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APICreateMesh | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPoints | , | ||
aTriangles | , | ||
aNormals | , | ||
aUVs | , | ||
aColors | |||
) |
Create a Mesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aPoints, aTriangles, aNormals, aUVs, aColors Out: ID of created Mesh.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPoints | Array of float |
[in] | aTriangles | Array of uint32_t |
[in] | aNormals | (OPTIONAL) Array of float |
[in] | aUVs | (OPTIONAL) Array of float |
[in] | aColors | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Color |
json WSM.APICreatePointMesh | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPoints | |||
) |
Create a PointMesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aPoints Out: ID of created PointMesh.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPoints | Array of float |
json WSM.APICreatePolyline | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPoint3ds | , | ||
bForceClosed | |||
) |
Creates a polyline using 3D sketching not linking with existing topology.
Joins the first and last points if bForceClosed
is true. Returns the Face when one is created. Note please use APIConnectPoint3ds, APIConnectVertexAndPoint3d, and APIConnectVertices to link with existing topology - which is what is most often desired. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aPoint3ds, bForceClosed Out: Face ID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aPoint3ds | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | bForceClosed | bool |
json WSM.APICreateRectangle | ( | nHistoryID | , |
firstEdgePt1 | , | ||
firstEdgePt2 | , | ||
projectionPt | , | ||
bReadOnly | |||
) |
Create a rectangle based on one edge and a third point.
Parameters firstEdgePt1 and firstEdgePt2 define the first edge of the rectangle Parameter projectionPt is projected onto the plane with origin at firstEdgePt2 and normal towards firstEdgePt1 this projection is the third corner of the rectangle. The fourth corner is calculated from those three Parameter aCreatedPts will return a vector of size 4, containing the four corners of the rectangle If parameter bReadOnly is true, no Objects are created, and only the points are returned
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | firstEdgePt1 | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | firstEdgePt2 | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | projectionPt | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APICreateSatelliteImageObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sName | , | ||
nTextureID | , | ||
fAlphaValue | , | ||
bFeaturesVisible | , | ||
aCornersVector | , | ||
coordinates | , | ||
coordinatesSpan | , | ||
aPixelDimensionsVector | |||
) |
APICreateSatelliteImageObject creates a image object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, coordinates, coordinatesSpan, aPixelDimensionsVector Out: nObjectID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sName | String |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
[in] | fAlphaValue | double |
[in] | bFeaturesVisible | bool |
[in] | aCornersVector | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | coordinates | WSM.Vector2d |
[in] | coordinatesSpan | WSM.Vector2d |
[in] | aPixelDimensionsVector | Array of int |
json WSM.APICreateSeparateHistoriesForInstances | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aInstanceIDs | , | ||
bNewGroupPerInstance | |||
) |
Creates new copies of the existing groups and the referenced histories for the specified instances.
If bNewGroupPerInstance is true, then each given instance gets a new group and history. If it is false, then any input instances that share a group and history currently will share a new group and history.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aInstanceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bNewGroupPerInstance | bool |
json WSM.APICreateStringAttribute | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sKey | , | ||
sValue | , | ||
aObjIDs | , | ||
nCopyBehavior | , | ||
bIsSharedOnSplit | |||
) |
Create a StringAttribute optionally attaching it to the given Objects.
The key must be non-empty or this operation fails. Also, each Object can only have one StringAttribute attached with a given key. It is an error to try to attach a second StringAttribute to an Object with a StringAttribute with the same key. Note this case is an error to avoid the creation of an unused StringAttribute. The migration behavior of the StringAttribute can be specified during copying and splitting. To set the copy behavior use WSM.nCopyBehavior nCB. Two examples are using the array tool and using copy/paste. See WSM_Constants.h for more information. When an Object is split, the StringAttribute will be shared with the split when bIsSharedOnSplit is true. Otherwise the split will not get the StringAttribute. Drawing an line across a Face to divide into 2 Faces is an example of a split. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sKey, sValue, aObjIDs, nCopyBehavior, bIsSharedOnSplit Out: nStringAttributeID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sKey | String |
[in] | sValue | String |
[in] | aObjIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | nCopyBehavior | (OPTIONAL, default = ( int )WSM.nCopyBehavior.nShareOrCopy) int |
[in] | bIsSharedOnSplit | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APICreateTexture | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aBitmapData | , | ||
bUseBitmapAlpha | , | ||
sTextureName | |||
) |
APICreateTexture creates a new Texture object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aBitmapData, sTextureName Out: nCreatedTextureID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aBitmapData | Array of char |
[in] | bUseBitmapAlpha | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | sTextureName | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APICreateVertex | ( | nHistoryID | , |
position | |||
) |
Create a Vertex with the given position.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, position Out: nObjectID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | position | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIDebugObjectReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
json WSM.APIDeleteAllHistories | ( | ) |
Delete all Histories and reset next History Id to be 0.
json WSM.APIDeleteAllRedoHistory | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs | |||
) |
APIDeleteAllRedoHistory - Deletes all forward Deltas.
If bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs is true, all the IDs that are only used in the forward Deltas will be released to be used again as required. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIDeleteHistory | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Delete the given History and also the active history managed by ScriptInstance.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIDeleteObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIDeleteObject deletes nObjectID in the given nHistoryID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIDeleteObjects | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
APIDeleteObjects deletes a vector of aObjectIDs in the given nHistoryID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIDetectFreeEdgesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeIDs | |||
) |
APIDetectFreeEdgesReadOnly Returns a list of edges that have only one or zero faces connected and a list of non free edges.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs Out: A list of free and non-free edge ids.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIDetectSilhouettesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeIDs | , | ||
cameraPos | , | ||
cameraDir | , | ||
bPerspectiveView | , | ||
bSmoothOnly | |||
) |
APIDetectSilhouettesReadOnly Returns a list of silhouette edges from a list of edges.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView, bSmoothOnly Out: A list of silhouette edge IDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | cameraPos | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | cameraDir | WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | bPerspectiveView | bool |
[in] | bSmoothOnly | bool |
json WSM.APIDisableJournaling | ( | ) |
APIDisableJournaling() function.
json WSM.APIDragFace | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
nDistance | , | ||
bMerge | |||
) |
APIDragFace drags a face nObjectID along it normal by nDistance.
nHistoryID and nToHistoryID can be the same. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, nDistance, bMerge Out:
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | nDistance | double |
[in] | bMerge | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIDragFaces | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aaFaceIDs | , | ||
aDists | , | ||
aDirs | , | ||
bMerge | |||
) |
APIDragFaces drags a group of faces aaFaceIDs by aDistance for each group.
nHistoryID and nToHistoryID can be the same. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, nDistance, bMerge Out:
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aaFaceIDs | Array of std.vector |
[in] | aDists | Array of double |
[in] | aDirs | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | bMerge | (OPTIONAL) bool |
json WSM.APIDumpResults | ( | ) |
Dump the list of Results managed by ScriptInstance.
json WSM.APIEditCircleEdges | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeIDs | , | ||
radius | , | ||
center | , | ||
normal | , | ||
xaxis | , | ||
angle | |||
) |
APIEditCircleEdges Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | radius | double |
[in] | center | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | normal | WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | xaxis | WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | angle | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
json WSM.APIEditCylinderFaces | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceIDs | , | ||
radius | , | ||
center | , | ||
normal | , | ||
xaxis | |||
) |
APIEditCylinderFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | radius | double |
[in] | center | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | normal | WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | xaxis | WSM.UnitVector3d |
json WSM.APIEditSphereFaces | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceIDs | , | ||
radius | , | ||
center | , | ||
normal | , | ||
xaxis | |||
) |
APIEditSphereFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | radius | double |
[in] | center | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | normal | WSM.UnitVector3d |
[in] | xaxis | WSM.UnitVector3d |
json WSM.APIEditSplineEdges | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeIDs | , | ||
aControlPoints | , | ||
bClosed | , | ||
startTangent | , | ||
endTangent | |||
) |
APIEditSplineEdges Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, radius, center, normal, xaxis.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aControlPoints | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | bClosed | bool |
[in] | startTangent | WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | endTangent | WSM.Vector3d |
json WSM.APIEnableJournaling | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | |||
) |
APIEnableJournaling If sFilePath is not provided, the journal will be stored in a string.
APIDisableJournaling will return the journal as a string. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath, bIncludeReadOnly
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APIEnableJournalingToString | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
json WSM.APIEnableJournalingTypes | ( | aTypes | ) |
APIEnableJournalingTypes() function.
[in] | aTypes | Array of String |
json WSM.APIExtrudeEdges | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aProfileIDs | , | ||
t | |||
) |
APIExtrudeEdges makes a Face from the given profile and a transformed copy of the edges.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aProfileIDs, t Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aProfileIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | t | WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIFaceContainsPointReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
point | |||
) |
APIFaceContainsPointReadOnly() function.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | point | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIFlattenFaces | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aFaceIDs | , | ||
dTol | |||
) |
Flattens all Faces given by aFaceIDs onto the plane of the first Face when all Faces lie within dTol of the first Face's plane, then merges into a single Face.
Note dTol is a relative tolerance based on the size of the bounding boxes of the given Faces. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aFaceIDs, dTol Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | dTol | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_DISTANCE_TOL) double |
json WSM.APIFlattenGroupsOrInstances | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aGroupOrInstanceIDs | , | ||
bRecursive | , | ||
bImprint | |||
) |
Replace the instances and/or groups referenced in aGroupOrInstanceIDs by a copy of the contents of the referenced history.
If bRecursive is true, repeat the process for all the new groups created by the copy. If bImprint is true, top level edges and faces from the group are imprinted into the model. If bImprint is false, top level edges become line meshes and top level faces are put into bodies.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aGroupOrInstanceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bRecursive | bool |
[in] | bImprint | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APIGetActiveHistory | ( | ) |
Get the Active history managed by ScriptInstance.
json WSM.APIGetAllAggregateTransf3dsReadOnly | ( | nReferencedHistoryID | , |
nTopMostHistoryID | |||
) |
APIGetAllAggregateTransf3dsReadOnly returns aggregate global transformations on a History referenced by a Group or Groups.
Parameters: In: nReferencedHistoryID, nTopMostHistoryID Out: transforms, paths (vector of Transf3d, vector of GroupInstancePath).
[in] | nReferencedHistoryID | int |
[in] | nTopMostHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetAllConnectedNonOwnedReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetAllConnectedNonOwnedReadOnly returns an array of all NonOwned Object IDs that are connected to nObjectID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: Array of IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetAllHistoriesReadOnly | ( | bWithTemporary | ) |
APIGetAllHistoriesReadOnly Gets the IDs of all active histories, optionally with temporary ones.
In: bWithTemporary Out: array of IDs.
[in] | bWithTemporary | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIGetAllHistoryDeltasReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Get the IDs of all deltas in the given history.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: list of delta IDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetAllNonOwnedReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APIGetAllNonOwnedReadOnly returns an array of all NonOwned Object IDs.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: Array of IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetAllObjectsByTypeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nType | |||
) |
Returns all the objects of type 'nType' contained by the history Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nType nType- WSM.nObjectType.nUnSpecifiedType WSM.nObjectType.nBodyType WSM.nObjectType.nLumpType WSM.nObjectType.nShellType WSM.nObjectType.nFaceType WSM.nObjectType.nLoopType WSM.nObjectType.nCoedgeType WSM.nObjectType.nEdgeType WSM.nObjectType.nVertexType Out: Array of Object IDs of the given nType.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nType | int |
json WSM.APIGetAllReachableHistoriesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bGoUp | |||
) |
Gets all the Histories reachable from the given History going either up or down the chain of Histories based on the flag bGoUp.
Note, includes itself. In: nHistoryId bGoUp Out: array of history IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bGoUp | bool |
json WSM.APIGetBodyEdgesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nBodyID | |||
) |
APIGetBodyEdgesReadOnly returns an array of all edge IDs for the given nBodyID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nBodyID Out: Array of edge IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nBodyID | int |
json WSM.APIGetBodyFacesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
GetBodyFacesReadOnly returns an array of Face IDs.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: Array of face IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetBoxReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
transf | |||
) |
APIGetBoxReadOnly Parameters: In nHistoryID, nObjectID (Optional), transf (Optional) Out: Interval3d.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | transf | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIGetCoedgeDirectionReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetCoedgeDirectionReadOnly returns true if coedge and edge go in the same direction.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: bForward
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetConnectedEdgesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | , | ||
bBreakOnNonSmooth | |||
) |
Returns all connected edges of a seed edge.
In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID, bBreakOnNonSmooth Out: Vector of connected Edge IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
[in] | bBreakOnNonSmooth | bool |
json WSM.APIGetConvexityConnectedComponentReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLoopOrFaceID | , | ||
nConvexity | |||
) |
APIGetConvexityConnectedComponentReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nLoopOrFaceID, nConvexity Out: aConnectedFaces.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLoopOrFaceID | int |
[in] | nConvexity | int |
json WSM.APIGetConvexityReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeOrLoopID | |||
) |
APIGetConvexityReadOnly returns the convexity of Edge or Loop ID.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeOrLoopID Out: nConvexity.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeOrLoopID | int |
json WSM.APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInActiveDeltaReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectType | , | ||
bForUndo | |||
) |
APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInActiveDeltaReadOnly Parameters: In: History ID, WSM.nObjectType nObjectType, bool bForUndo Out: Vector of Created, Vector of Changed, Vector of Deleted,.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectType | WSM.nObjectType |
[in] | bForUndo | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInDeltaRangeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nStartDelta | , | ||
nEndDelta | , | ||
aObjectTypes | |||
) |
APIGetCreatedChangedAndDeletedInDeltaRangeReadOnly Parameters: In: History ID, first Delta ID, second Delta ID, nObjectTypes Out: Vector of Created, Vector of Changed, Vector of Deleted,.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nStartDelta | int |
[in] | nEndDelta | int |
[in] | aObjectTypes | Array of WSM.nObjectType |
json WSM.APIGetDatabaseVersionReadOnly | ( | ) |
APIGetDatabaseVersionReadOnly Parameters: In: Out: JSON.
json WSM.APIGetDynamoModelInformationReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APIGetDynamoModelInformationReadOnly returns Dynamo Model information of the history.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: id, name, config, delta
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetEdgeOrVertexMarkedSmoothReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
GetEdgeMarkedSmoothReadOnly Returns whether an edge is marked as smooth.
If bIsSmooth is returned 'false', this may mean either that the edge is non-smooth or its smoothness is unknown. Parameters: In: HistoryID, EdgeID (the edge in question) Out: bool (true or false, the edge in question is marked as smooth)
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetEdgePointsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | |||
) |
Get edge endpoints directly.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
json WSM.APIGetEdgeStyleReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | |||
) |
Get the style of an edge.
If no style is found, the color defaults to black (0). Note only Edges, Instances, and LineMeshes can have edge styles.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
json WSM.APIGetEnabledJournalingTypesReadOnly | ( | ) |
APIGetEnabledJournalingTypesReadOnly returns the list of journaling 'types' that are enabled.
In: Out: Vector of enabled string types.
json WSM.APIGetFaceBacksideMaterialReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
Gets the material of the backside of the given face.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFaceCentroidPoint3dReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIGetFaceCentroidPoint3dReadOnly returns the centroid point of nFaceID.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: Centroid.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFaceConnectedComponentReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
bUseVertices | , | ||
bSmooth | |||
) |
APIGetFaceConnectedComponentReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, bUseVertices, bSmooth Out: aConnectedFaces.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | bUseVertices | bool |
[in] | bSmooth | bool |
json WSM.APIGetFaceFacetsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIGetFaceFacetsReadOnly gets the list of vertices grouped by triangles Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: aFacets.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFacePlaneReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
GetFacePlaneReadOnly returns the plane of nFaceID.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: Plane.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFaceUVDataAttributeUVsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceUVDataAttributeID | |||
) |
Gets the UVs from a FaceUVDataAttribute.
Note either the number of front UVs equals the number of Vertices on the owning Face and are in the same order, or there are none. The same condition applies to back UVs. In: nHistoryID, nFaceUVDataAttributeID Out: Front and Back UVs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceUVDataAttributeID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFaceUVDataTransformReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
bBackSide | |||
) |
Gets the 2d transform, returned as a 3d transform, for the uvs on the given Face.
If the Face has no FaceUVDataAttribute, this transformation will be the identity. If the Face has transformed uvs, the returned transform can be passed to APISetFaceUVDataAttributes to transform the uvs for a Face with the flag bPostTransform set to true. If bBackSide is true, gets the transform for the back Material uvs otherwise gets the front uvs transform. Note uv offsets are not returned as these are not helpful when applying the map to new Faces. In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, bBackSide Out: A transform3d
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | bBackSide | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIGetFaceVariantReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIGetFaceVariantReadOnly returns the variant of nFaceID.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: dVariant.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetFaceVertexNormalsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIGetFaceVertexNormalsReadOnly returns the plane of nFaceID.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: aVertexNormals.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetGroupReferencedHistoryReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nGroupOrInstanceID | , | ||
bDeletedInstanceOK | , | ||
nDeltaOffset | |||
) |
APIGetGroupReferencedHistoryReadOnly returns the ID of the Group's or Instance's referenced History Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nGroupOrInstanceID, bDeletedInstanceOK, nDeltaOffset Out: nReferencedHistoryID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nGroupOrInstanceID | int |
[in] | bDeletedInstanceOK | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | nDeltaOffset | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
json WSM.APIGetHistoryDeltasReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nStartDeltaID | , | ||
nEndDeltaID | |||
) |
Get the IDs of the deltas in the given closed range in the given history.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nStartDeltaID | int |
[in] | nEndDeltaID | int |
json WSM.APIGetHistoryReferencingGroupsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Returns a vector with groups that reference this history.
In: nHistoryID Out: Vector of Group ObjectIDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetIdOfActiveDeltaReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaOffset | |||
) |
Get the active Delta ID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID, nDeltaOffset (optional) Out: ID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaOffset | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
json WSM.APIGetImageDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | |||
) |
APIGetImageDataReadOnly gets image data Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: sName, nTextureID, nPosition, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, bHasSatelliteData.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
json WSM.APIGetInstanceTransf3dReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nInstanceID | |||
) |
json WSM.APIGetInvalidID | ( | ) |
APIGetInvalidID Parameters: In: Out: ID.
json WSM.APIGetLastDeltaIDReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nBeforeLast | |||
) |
Get the ID of the target Delta, which is nBeforeLast
before the last Delta (even for zero nBeforeLast
, it may be different from the active Delta ID, if there are available Redo states).
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[out] | nLastDeltaID | The returned ID of the target Delta |
[in] | nBeforeLast | The offset between the target Delta and the last Delta Out: ID of the target Delta |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nBeforeLast | (OPTIONAL, default = 0) int |
json WSM.APIGetLayerDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLayerID | |||
) |
Get the data from a layer.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLayerID | int |
json WSM.APIGetLevelDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLevelID | |||
) |
APIGetLevelDataReadOnly gets the elevation and name properties.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nLevelID Out: sLevelName, dElevation
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLevelID | int |
json WSM.APIGetLineMeshDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLineMeshID | |||
) |
Get the data from a LineMesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nLineMeshID Out: The line mesh data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLineMeshID | int |
json WSM.APIGetLocalCoordinateSystemReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Get the LCS (local coordinate system) of the given History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: transf3d.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetMaterialDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMaterialID | |||
) |
APIGetMaterialDataReadOnly gets the Material properties.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMaterialID Out: JSON object with data
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
json WSM.APIGetMemorySizeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bCollapsedHistoryWithLiveObjsOnly | |||
) |
APIGetMemorySizeReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: nBytes.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bCollapsedHistoryWithLiveObjsOnly | (OPTIONAL) bool |
json WSM.APIGetMeshDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | |||
) |
Get the data from a Mesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID Out: The mesh data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectAttributesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
Get all of the Attributes of the given Object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: Array of Attribute IDs of the given nType.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectLayersReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectLayersReadOnly gets all layer ids of the given object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: aLayersIDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectLevelsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectLevelsReadOnly gets all level's ids of the given object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: aLevelsIDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectMaterialReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectMaterialReadOnly gets an Object's material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: nMaterialID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectNameReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectNameReadOnly returns an object type.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, Out: nName
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectPropertiesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
Gets the properties of a given object (Body): A name and if that particular body reports its area by level or not Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, Out: sObjectName, bReportAreaByLevel.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectsByTypeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
nType | , | ||
bUpstream | |||
) |
Returns all the objects of type 'nType' contained by the Object the given nObjectID if bUpstream is false; otherwise, return all the objects of type "nType" which are the parents of given object.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, nType, bUpstream nType- WSM.nObjectType.nUnSpecifiedType WSM.nObjectType.nBodyType WSM.nObjectType.nLumpType WSM.nObjectType.nShellType WSM.nObjectType.nFaceType WSM.nObjectType.nLoopType WSM.nObjectType.nCoedgeType WSM.nObjectType.nEdgeType WSM.nObjectType.nVertexType Out: Array of Object IDs of the given nType.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | nType | int |
[in] | bUpstream | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIGetObjectTextureCoordinatesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectTextureCoordinatesReadOnly generates tex coords for body or single face Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: aTexCoords.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetObjectTypeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetObjectTypeReadOnly returns an object type.
Note this is a read only operation. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, Out: nType- WSM.nObjectType.nUnSpecifiedType WSM.nObjectType.nBodyType WSM.nObjectType.nLumpType WSM.nObjectType.nShellType WSM.nObjectType.nFaceType WSM.nObjectType.nLoopType WSM.nObjectType.nCoedgeType WSM.nObjectType.nEdgeType WSM.nObjectType.nVertexType
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetPointMeshDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nPointMeshID | |||
) |
Get the data from a PointMesh.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nPointMeshID Out: The point mesh data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nPointMeshID | int |
json WSM.APIGetPointsFromObjectIDsReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aIDs | |||
) |
Helper function used in sweeping to get points from the profile or path Objects.
The parameter aIDs can be a a single face or multiple edges. In: nHistoryID, vector of Object IDs Out: Vector of Vertex IDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIGetRenderableFaceReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
bCalculateTexCoords | , | ||
bBackSide | |||
) |
Returns vertices in groups of 3 (triangles), with associated normals and optionally texture coordinates.
If bBackSide is true, then the data is returned for drawing the back side of the face. This means that the facet triangles are ordered in the opposite direction and the normals are reversed. Out: vertices, normals, texCoords
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | bCalculateTexCoords | bool |
[in] | bBackSide | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIGetResultsCount | ( | ) |
Get the number of Results managed by ScriptInstance.
json WSM.APIGetRevitFamilyInformationReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APIGetRevitFamilyInformationReadOnly returns Revit Family information of the history.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: bIsGeneratedFromRFA, bIsGeneratedFromBuiltinRFA, familyCategory, familyReference, familyType, familyExtraData
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIGetSatelliteDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | |||
) |
APIGetSatelliteDataReadOnly gets satellite data from image Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: sName, nTextureID, nPosition, fAlphaValue, bFeaturesVisible, aCorners, bHasSatelliteData.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
json WSM.APIGetStringAttributeKeyValueReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nStringAttributeID | |||
) |
Gets the key and value strings from a StringAttribute.
Also returns owners. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nStringAttributeID Out: Object: {sKey, sValue, aOwnerIDs}
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nStringAttributeID | int |
json WSM.APIGetStringAttributesByKeyReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
sKey | |||
) |
Returns all StringAttributes attached to the Object given by nObjectID with key matching sKey.
Note if nObjectID is WSM.INVALID_ID, then returns all StringAttributes in the History with key sKey. This is a read only operation. In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, sKey Out: aStringAttributeIDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | sKey | String |
json WSM.APIGetTextureDataReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nTextureID | |||
) |
APIGetTextureDataReadOnly gets a Texture object's bitmap data Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nTextureID Out: JSON object with data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
json WSM.APIGetTopLevelOwnersReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIGetTopLevelOwnersReadOnly returns the top level owners of the given Object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: aOwnerIDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIGetVersionReadOnly | ( | ) |
APIGetVersionReadOnly Parameters: In: Out: JSON.
json WSM.APIGetVertexPoint3dReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nVertexID | |||
) |
APIGetVertexPoint3d returns the Point3d of a Vertex Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nVertexID Out: pt.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nVertexID | int |
json WSM.APIImprint | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID1 | , | ||
nObjectID2 | , | ||
bChangeBoth | |||
) |
APIImprint Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2, bChangeBoth Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID1 | int |
[in] | nObjectID2 | int |
[in] | bChangeBoth | bool |
json WSM.APIImprintWithPlane | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
plane | |||
) |
APIImprintWithPlane Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, plane Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | plane | WSM.Plane |
json WSM.APIIntersectsNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aPlanes | , | ||
bVertices | , | ||
bEdges | , | ||
bFaces | , | ||
bStrict | , | ||
dTol | , | ||
line3dPickRay | , | ||
bSearchInGroups | , | ||
bPickInstances | , | ||
aIgnoreObjects | , | ||
bOneOnlyTest | |||
) |
json WSM.APIIsEdgeManifoldReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | |||
) |
Returns whether an edge has exactly two coedges on two distinct faces.
Some manifold cases, such as a dangling edge inside a face, will return false. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID Out: bool (isManifold)
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
json WSM.APIIsEdgeMergeableReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | , | ||
bUseMaterial | |||
) |
APIIsEdgeMergeableReadOnly In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID, bUseMaterial Out:bool (true or false that the Edge is mergeable.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
[in] | bUseMaterial | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIIsEdgeOnCircleReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | |||
) |
APIIsEdgeOnCircleReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllCircleSiblings, bHasCircleAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
json WSM.APIIsEdgeOnSplineReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | |||
) |
APIIsEdgeOnSplineReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID Out: aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, aAllSplineSiblings, bHasSplineAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
json WSM.APIIsEdgeSilhouetteReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeID | , | ||
cameraPos | , | ||
cameraDir | , | ||
bPerspectiveView | |||
) |
APIIsEdgeSilhouetteReadOnly Returns whether an edge is a silhouette.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeID, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView Out: bool (true or false, the edge in question is a silhouette)
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeID | int |
[in] | cameraPos | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | cameraDir | WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | bPerspectiveView | bool |
json WSM.APIIsExactMatchReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID1 | , |
nHistoryID2 | , | ||
nObjectID1 | , | ||
nObjectID2 | |||
) |
API compares either two Histories or two Objects and sets bIsExact to true when they match exactly.
If both nObjectID1 and nObjectId2 are WSM.INVALID_ID then the Histories are compared, otherwise the Objects are compared. In: nHistoryID1, nHistoryID2, nObjectID1, nObjectID2 Out:bool true or false as there is an exact match
[in] | nHistoryID1 | int |
[in] | nHistoryID2 | int |
[in] | nObjectID1 | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | nObjectID2 | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
json WSM.APIIsFaceOnBlendReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIIsFaceOnBlendReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, aPathPoints, aAllBlendSiblings, bHasBlendAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIIsFaceOnCylinderReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIIsFaceOnCylinderReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllCylinderSiblings, bHasCylinderAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIIsFaceOnExtrudeReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIIsFaceOnExtrudeReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: base, axis, xaxis, aControlPoints, bClosed, startTangent, endTangent, aAllExtrudeSiblings, bHasExtrudeAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIIsFaceOnSphereReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | |||
) |
APIIsFaceOnSphereReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID Out: radius, center, normal, xaxis, aAllSphereSiblings, bHasSphereAttribute.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
json WSM.APIIsHistoryLiveReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
APIIsHistoryLiveReadOnly checks if an history is alive Parameters: In: nHistoryID Out: bIsLive.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIIsHistoryNonTemporaryReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Returns whether a history is temporary or not.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIIsJournalingReadOnly | ( | ) |
Check if Journaling is enabled.
In: Out: bool
json WSM.APIIsMeshManifoldReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | |||
) |
Returns true if the Mesh is manifold, i.e.
every edge in the mesh is on an even number of triangles and is used in an equal number of times forward and backward on the triangles. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID Out: Boolean.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
json WSM.APIIsNonOwnedReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIIsNonOwnedReadOnly returns whether this object has an owner.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: bNonOwned
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APIIsObjectLiveReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
APIIsObjectLiveReadOnly checks if an object is alive in history Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID Out: bIsLive.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
json WSM.APILineMeshContainsPointReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLineMeshID | , | ||
point | |||
) |
Returns true if the LineMesh contains the point.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nLineMeshID, point Out: Boolean.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLineMeshID | int |
[in] | point | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APILineMeshGetPointsOnNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLineMeshID | , | ||
aPlanes | , | ||
line3dPickRay | , | ||
dTol | |||
) |
Get all points nearest the given line from segments of the LineMesh that lie on the negative side of all the given Planes.
In: nHistoryID, nLineMeshID, aPlanes, line3dPickRay, dTol Out: points and segments.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLineMeshID | int |
[in] | aPlanes | Array of WSM.Plane |
[in] | line3dPickRay | WSM.Line3d |
[in] | dTol | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_MACHINE_TOL) double |
json WSM.APILinkMeshesForConversion | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aMeshIDs | |||
) |
Link the Meshes with a shared string Attribute.
This will be used when converting from Meshes to Bodies to unite all the Bodies into one. Note this linking happens automatically when converting from a Body to Meshes so in general this API should not be called except in very rare cases.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aMeshIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APILoadAXMFile | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | , | ||
isImport | , | ||
logOutputPath | |||
) |
Load an AXM file, both pre WSM and current.
For pre WSM, it translates the following legacy data :
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
[in] | isImport | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | logOutputPath | (OPTIONAL, default = {}) String |
json WSM.APILoadDeltaFromBinaryFile | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | |||
) |
Load Delta from a binary file and add it to the History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
json WSM.APILoadDeltaFromBinaryString | ( | nHistoryID | , |
base64Str | , | ||
nDeltaID | , | ||
base64encoded | |||
) |
APILoadDeltaFromBinaryString Parameters: In: nHistoryID, base64Str, [nDeltaID, [base64encoded]] Out: nDeltaID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | base64Str | String |
[in] | nDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | base64encoded | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APILoadFromFacets | ( | nHistoryID | , |
facetsData | , | ||
nOptions | , | ||
dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | , | ||
dRemoveDuplicateTol | |||
) |
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, facetsData, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dRemoveDuplicateTol Out: IDs of created objects.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | facetsData | Array of WSM.FacetsBodyData |
[in] | nOptions | (OPTIONAL, default = to_ut(WSM.nLoadingOptions.Merge | WSM.nLoadingOptions.RemoveDuplicate | WSM.nLoadingOptions.CreateMesh)) int |
[in] | dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
[in] | dRemoveDuplicateTol | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_MACHINE_TOL) double |
json WSM.APILoadFromFile | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | , | ||
eFileType | , | ||
nOptions | , | ||
dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | , | ||
dScaleFactor | |||
) |
APILoadFromFile Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath, eFileType, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dScaleFactor Out: iObjectIdOffset.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
[in] | eFileType | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.nFileTypeBinaryWSM) WSM.nFileType |
[in] | nOptions | (OPTIONAL, default = to_ut(WSM.nLoadingOptions.RemoveDuplicate | WSM.nLoadingOptions.Merge | WSM.nLoadingOptions.CreateMesh)) int |
[in] | dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
[in] | dScaleFactor | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0) double |
json WSM.APILoadFromString | ( | nHistoryID | , |
saveString | , | ||
eFileType | , | ||
nOptions | , | ||
dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | , | ||
dScaleFactor | |||
) |
Load a model from a string containing serialization of one of the supported types.
For nFileTypeBinaryWSM, *pObjectIdOffset returns object ID offset required to load the new Objects into a non-empty History without ID conflicts. nOptions contains bit flags as specified in WSM.nLoadingOptions, that describe options used by the various file types (has no effect on loading the default type, nFileTypeBinaryWSM). For nFileTypeSTL, if WSM.nLoadingOptions.Merge is specified under options, merges out all merge-able Edges and Vertices. if WSM.nLoadingOptions.CreateMesh is specified, creates a Mesh instead of a Body. For nFileTypeOBJ, if WSM.nLoadingOptions.Merge is specified under options, merges out all merge-able Edges and Vertices. if WSM.nLoadingOptions.RemoveDuplicate is specified under options, removes duplicated vertices and edges within each body if WSM.nLoadingOptions.PlaceOnGround is specified under options, makes the smallest z axis coordinate of the whole model to be 0 if WSM.nLoadingOptions.CreateMesh is specified, creates a Mesh instead of a Body. If dMaxDistanceFromOrigin is greater than zero and the minimum corner of the bounding box around facetsData is further away than dMaxDistanceFromOrigin from the origin, then the created WSM geometry will be moved so the minimum corner of the bounding box is at the origin. Currently this only affects OBJ. Note that, unlike APILoadFromFile, nLoadingOptions.PlaceOnGround option is off by default. Set bBase64Encoded to true, if the string was base64 encoded when it was saved. The created Object is scaled by dScaleFactor for STL and OBJ.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[in] | sInputString | |
[in] | eFileType | |
[in] | nOptions | |
[in] | dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | |
[in] | bBase64Encoded | |
[in] | dScaleFactor | Parameters: In: nHistoryID, saveString, eFileType, nOptions, dMaxDistanceFromOrigin, dScaleFactor Out: offset |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | saveString | String |
[in] | eFileType | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.nFileTypeBinaryWSM) WSM.nFileType |
[in] | nOptions | (OPTIONAL, default = to_ut(WSM.nLoadingOptions.RemoveDuplicate | WSM.nLoadingOptions.Merge | WSM.nLoadingOptions.CreateMesh)) int |
[in] | dMaxDistanceFromOrigin | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0) double |
[in] | dScaleFactor | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0) double |
json WSM.APILoadHistoryFromBinaryString | ( | nHistoryID | , |
base64Str | , | ||
base64encoded | |||
) |
Load the whole history (with all undo states) from an, optionally base64 encoded, string and add to to an empty History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, base64Str Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | base64Str | String |
[in] | base64encoded | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APILoadMaterialsFromAXMFile | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | |||
) |
Load only materials and their textures from an AXM file into the given history.
Materials and textures from all group histories in the file are copied into the single given history Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
json WSM.APILoft | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aaProfileIDs | , | ||
bDeleteInteriorProfileFaces | |||
) |
APILoft makes Faces that connect a vector of profiles.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aaProfileIDs, bDeleteInteriorProfileFaces Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aaProfileIDs | Array of std.vector |
[in] | bDeleteInteriorProfileFaces | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIMergeBody | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nBodyID | , | ||
dSmoothCosAngle | |||
) |
Merges all the merge-able Edges and Vertices out of a Body.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nBodyID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nBodyID | int |
[in] | dSmoothCosAngle | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_TIGHT_SMOOTH_COSINE_ANGLE) double |
json WSM.APIMergeDeltas | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nStartDeltaID | , | ||
nEndDeltaID | , | ||
bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs | |||
) |
APIMergeDeltas merges the specified Delta range.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nStartDeltaID, nEndDeltaID, bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nStartDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | nEndDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
[in] | bReuseDiscardedObjectIDs | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APIMeshComputeNonSmoothEdgesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | , | ||
dCosSmoothAngle | |||
) |
Returns non-smooth edges from the Mesh.
Note, the edges are only included once and are returned as subsequent pairs of indices into the m_aPoints vector. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID, dCosSmoothAngle Out: Edge indices.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
[in] | dCosSmoothAngle | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.86602540378443864676372317075294) double |
json WSM.APIMeshComputeSilhouetteEdgesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | , | ||
cameraPos | , | ||
cameraDir | , | ||
bPerspectiveView | |||
) |
Returns silhouette edges from the Mesh.
Note, the edges are only included once and are returned as subsequent pairs of indices into the m_aPoints vector. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID, cameraPos, cameraDir, bPerspectiveView Out: Silhouette indices.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
[in] | cameraPos | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | cameraDir | WSM.Vector3d |
[in] | bPerspectiveView | bool |
json WSM.APIMeshContainsPointReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | , | ||
point | |||
) |
Returns true and the normal if the Mesh contains the point.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID, point Out: Boolean and normal.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
[in] | point | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIMeshPointOnOrInsideIfManifoldReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMeshID | , | ||
point | |||
) |
Return true if the given point is on the Mesh.
When the point is not on the Mesh, but the Mesh is manifold, checks if the point is inside the Mesh. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMeshID, point Out: Boolean.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMeshID | int |
[in] | point | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIMoveImage | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | , | ||
nShift | |||
) |
APIMoveImage moves the image along z axis.
Images positions >= 0 Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID, nShift Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
[in] | nShift | int |
json WSM.APIMoveObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
objectID | , | ||
displacement | |||
) |
APIMoveObject moves the given object with displacement.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, objectID, displacement Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | objectID | int |
[in] | displacement | WSM.Vector3d |
json WSM.APIMoveObjects | ( | nHistoryID | , |
objectIDs | , | ||
transf3d | |||
) |
APIMoveObjects moves the given objects with t.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, objectIDs, transf3d Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | objectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | transf3d | WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIMoveVertices | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aVertexIDs | , | ||
aNewVertexPositions | |||
) |
APIMoveVertices moves the vertices specified in aVertexIDs to the given positions in aNewVertexPositions.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aVertexIDs, aNewVertexPositions Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aVertexIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aNewVertexPositions | Array of WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIOffset3d | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
dDistance | |||
) |
APIOffset3d offsets all the Faces in the given Object by the amount specified.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, dDistance Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | dDistance | double |
json WSM.APIOffsetEdges | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nEdgeIDs | , | ||
dOffsetDistance | , | ||
trans | , | ||
bReadOnly | |||
) |
APIOffsetEdges offsets Edges by given distance.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nEdgeIDs, dOffsetDistance, trans = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity, bReadOnly = false Out: bReadOnly == false ? JSON_UNDEFINED : offset Pts in boundary;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | dOffsetDistance | double |
[in] | trans | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIOffsetFace | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
dOffsetDistance | , | ||
bOffsetHolesToo | , | ||
trans | , | ||
bReadOnly | |||
) |
APIOffsetFace offsets a copy of the boundary a face by given distance.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, dOffsetDistance, bOffsetHolesToo = false, trans = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity, bReadOnly = false Out: bReadOnly == false ? JSON_UNDEFINED : offset Pts in boundary;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | dOffsetDistance | double |
[in] | bOffsetHolesToo | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | trans | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | bReadOnly | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIPointMeshContainsPointReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nPointMeshID | , | ||
point | |||
) |
Returns true if the PointMesh contains the point.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nPointMeshID, point Out: Boolean.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nPointMeshID | int |
[in] | point | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APIPointMeshGetPointsOnNegativeSideOfPlanesReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nPointMeshID | , | ||
aPlanes | , | ||
dTol | |||
) |
Get all points of the PointMesh that lie on the negative side of all the given Planes.
In: nHistoryID, nPointMeshID, aPlanes, dTol Out: points.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nPointMeshID | int |
[in] | aPlanes | Array of WSM.Plane |
[in] | dTol | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_MACHINE_TOL) double |
json WSM.APIPushMirrorTransformationsOntoGeometry | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Pushes mirror Instance transformations onto the underlying geometry sharing referenced Histories as much as possible.
Calls APIPushBadTransformationsOntoGeometry. Not an exact match to avoid passing functions through javascript. In: nHistoryID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
line3dPickRay | , | ||
dRayRadius | , | ||
bVertices | , | ||
bEdges | , | ||
bFaces | |||
) |
APIRayFireReadOnly calls WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly.
See WSMApi.h for comments. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, line3dPickRay, dRayRadius, bVertices, bEdges, bFaces Out: Array of IDs intersected by the ray.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | line3dPickRay | WSM.Line3d |
[in] | dRayRadius | double |
[in] | bVertices | bool |
[in] | bEdges | bool |
[in] | bFaces | bool |
json WSM.APIRayFireSortedReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
line3dPickRay | , | ||
dRayRadius | , | ||
bVertices | , | ||
bEdges | , | ||
bFaces | , | ||
dMaxParam | , | ||
bSearchInGroups | , | ||
aIgnoreObjects | |||
) |
APIRayFireSortedReadOnly calls WSM.APIRayFireReadOnly.
See WSMApi.h for comments. This version uses the pParamIndexVec param in WSM to get a sorted list. When aIgnoreObjects is not empty, only those objects are returned that are not part of aIgnoreObjects. Note that aIgnoreObjects should only contain top level objects or instances (if not they will be converted to top levels) Parameters: In: nHistoryID, line3dPickRay, dRayRadius, bVertices, bEdges, bFaces, dMaxParam, bSearchInGroups, aIgnoreObjects Out: Array of IDs intersected by the ray.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | line3dPickRay | WSM.Line3d |
[in] | dRayRadius | double |
[in] | bVertices | bool |
[in] | bEdges | bool |
[in] | bFaces | bool |
[in] | dMaxParam | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM_DISTANCE_BIG) double |
[in] | bSearchInGroups | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | aIgnoreObjects | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APIRedoHistory | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nApplyOnDeltaID | |||
) |
APIRedoHistory redoes History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nApplyOnDeltaID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nApplyOnDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
json WSM.APIRedoHistoryToDelta | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | |||
) |
APIRedoHistoryToDelta redoes History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | int |
json WSM.APIRegisterProgressCallbacksReadOnly | ( | startCbkStr | , |
progressCbkStr | , | ||
finishCbkStr | , | ||
progressIncrement | , | ||
progressStart | , | ||
progressEnd | |||
) |
Register API progress callback.
The first 3 parameters are names of the callback functions (passed as strings), which have to be global functions, i.e. defined outside of runtest(). All parameters are optional. Calling this API without arguments (or with the first argument being an empty string) resets the callbacks.
[in] | startCbkStr | (OPTIONAL, default = "" s) String |
[in] | progressCbkStr | (OPTIONAL, default = "" s) String |
[in] | finishCbkStr | (OPTIONAL, default = "" s) String |
[in] | progressIncrement | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0f) float |
[in] | progressStart | (OPTIONAL, default = 0.0f) float |
[in] | progressEnd | (OPTIONAL, default = 100.0f) float |
json WSM.APIRemoveObjectsLayers | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLayerIDs | , | ||
aObjectIDs | |||
) |
Remove layers from objects.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLayerIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIRemoveSatelliteData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | |||
) |
APIRemoveSatelliteData removes satellite data from image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
json WSM.APIReverseFaces | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aFaceIDs | |||
) |
APIReverseFaces Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aFaceIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIRotateFace | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
aRadian | |||
) |
APIRotateFace rotates face by given radian using default rotation axis.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, aRadian Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | aRadian | double |
json WSM.APIRotateFaceBetweenPoints | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
startPt | , | ||
endPt | |||
) |
Rotates a Face between two given points Both points are projected into the face plane The angle of rotation is a radian from 0 to 2PI, determined by the angle counterclockwise from Vector(startPt-faceCenter) to Vector(endPt-faceCenter), with normal as the face's normal Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, startPt, endPt Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | startPt | WSM.Point3d |
[in] | endPt | WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APISaveAllActiveObjectsToBinaryFileReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | |||
) |
Save all active Objects to a binary file.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
json WSM.APISaveDeltaToBinaryStringReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | |||
) |
APISaveDeltaToBinaryStringReadOnly Parameters: In: nHistoryID, [nDeltaID] Out: base64Str, deltaID.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
json WSM.APISaveDeltaToSolidDefReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bForUndo | |||
) |
Gets the changed, created, and deleted objects in the most recent delta and encodes this information in a solid-def JSON string so that solid-def stored in HFDM can be kept up to date.
If bForUndo is true, get the changes caused by the most recent undo, meaning that objects created in the forward action are deleted by the undo, and vice versa. If no deltas are available past the current one and bForUndo is true, the API returns the WSM.nBadInput error result.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[in] | bForUndo | Out: Changed and deleted guids for topology and geometry, json for created and changed |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bForUndo | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APISaveHistoryToBinaryFileReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | , | ||
aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | |||
) |
Save the whole history (with all undo states) to a binary file.
If aLayerDisplayedNegateVec is given, the displayed flag on Layers in the vector will be negated in the save file without creating a Delta. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath, [aLayerDisplayedNegateVec] Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APISaveHistoryToBinaryStringReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bBase64Encode | , | ||
aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | |||
) |
Save the whole history (with all undo states) to a binary string.
If the bBase64Encode parameter is true, the data is base 64 encoded, to make it readable. Otherwise, it's just arbitrary bytes. The OUT parameter, lastDeltaID, returns the ID of the last closed Delta. If aLayerDisplayedNegateVec is given, the displayed flag on Layers in the vector will be negated in the save file without creating a Delta. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, bBase64Encode, [aLayerDisplayedNegateVec] Out: sOutputString, lastDeltaID
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bBase64Encode | bool |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APISaveLastDeltaToBinaryFile | ( | nHistoryID | , |
sFilePath | |||
) |
Save last Delta and all changed Objects to a binary file.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, sFilePath Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
json WSM.APISaveToAXMFileReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
sFilePath | , | ||
aPreviewImage | , | ||
bWithChildren | |||
) |
Saves Objects to an AXM file.
If bWithChildren is true, all children of the given Objects are saved too. The AXM save version is fixed at version 30. Note the file only includes WSM data and the preview block. No other information is included in the file (e.g. no camera data, no material manager data, no shadow settings, etc). If a more complete AXM file is desired, save from FormIt.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the History to save. |
[in] | aObjectIDs | The given list of Object IDs |
[in] | sFilePath | The AXM file to save to. |
[in] | aPreviewImage | The preview image for the file. Can be empty if there is no thumbnail otherwise should be a PNG. |
[in] | bWithChildren | True if children of Objects are also saved. Out: JSON_UNDEFINED; |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | Array of int |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
[in] | aPreviewImage | (OPTIONAL, default = {}) Array of char |
[in] | bWithChildren | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
json WSM.APISaveToFileReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
sFilePath | , | ||
eFileType | , | ||
bWithChildren | , | ||
dExportScale | , | ||
aExcludedObjects | , | ||
aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | |||
) |
Save Objects to a file of the specified type.
If bWithChildren is true, save all children of the given Objects too. dExportScale sets the scaling transform for unit-less output formats (currently, STL and OBJ). The aExcludedObjecs vector contains objects that need to be excluded from the export. These may be instances or top level objects in referenced groups. The various exporters will check aExcludedObjects when looping through the children of the objects supplied in aObjectIDs. If aLayerDisplayedNegateVec is given, the displayed flag on Layers in the vector will be negated in the save file without creating a Delta.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[in] | aObjectIDs | The given list of Object IDs |
[in] | sFilePath | |
[in] | eFileType | |
[in] | bWithChildren | |
[in] | dExportScale | |
[in] | aExcludedObjects | |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | Out: JSON_UNDEFINED; |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | sFilePath | String |
[in] | eFileType | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.nFileTypeBinaryWSM) WSM.nFileType |
[in] | bWithChildren | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | dExportScale | (OPTIONAL, default = 1.0) double |
[in] | aExcludedObjects | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APISaveToStringReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
bWithChildren | , | ||
aExcludedObjects | , | ||
aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | , | ||
eFileType | |||
) |
Save Objects to a string.
The string loses its contents, gets reset to the exact size of the output data, and gets populated by this data. If bWithChildren is true, all children of the given Objects are saved too. The aExcludedObjects vector contains objects that need to be excluded from the export. These may be instances or top level objects in referenced groups. The various exporters will check aExcludedObjects when looping through the children of the objects supplied in aObjectIDs. If the bBase64Encode parameter is true, the data is base 64 encoded, to make it readable. Otherwise, it's just arbitrary bytes. If aLayerDisplayedNegateVec is given, the displayed flag on Layers in the vector will be negated in the save string without creating a Delta.
[in] | nHistoryID | ID of the given History |
[in] | aObjectIDs | The given list of Object IDs |
[in] | eFileType | |
[in] | bWithChildren | |
[in] | aExcludedObjects | |
[in] | bBase64Encode | |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | Parameters: In: nHistoryID, vector of Objects, save With Children flag, [aExcludedObjects], [aLayerDisplayedNegateVec], [eFileType] Out: The save string |
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bWithChildren | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | aExcludedObjects | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
[in] | aLayerDisplayedNegateVec | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
[in] | eFileType | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.nFileTypeBinaryWSM) WSM.nFileType |
json WSM.APIScaleFace | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
aScaleFactor | |||
) |
Scales a Face by given scale factor, around its centroid.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, aScaleFactor Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | aScaleFactor | double |
json WSM.APISeparate | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nBodyID | |||
) |
APISeparate Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nBodyID Out: A vector of new Body IDs.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nBodyID | int |
json WSM.APISetDynamoModelInformation | ( | nHistoryID | , |
id | , | ||
name | , | ||
config | , | ||
delta | |||
) |
APISetDynamoModelInformation sets Dynamo Model information of the history.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, id, name, config, delta
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | id | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | name | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | config | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | delta | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APISetEdgesOrVerticesMarkedSmooth | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
bSmooth | |||
) |
SetEdgesOrVerticesMarkedSmooth Marks all of aObjectIDs' smoothness.
If bSmooth, all are marked as smooth If not bSmooth, all are marked as non-smooth Parameters: In: HistoryID, ObjectIDs bool (smooth setting)
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bSmooth | bool |
json WSM.APISetEdgesStyle | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aEdgeIDs | , | ||
nColor | |||
) |
Set the style of edges on given objects.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aEdgeIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | nColor | WSM.Color |
json WSM.APISetFaceBacksideMaterial | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aFaceIDs | , | ||
nMaterialID | |||
) |
Sets the material given by MaterialID as the backside material of the given faces.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
json WSM.APISetFaceUVDataAttributes | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aFaceIDs | , | ||
rTransf3d | , | ||
bReplaceTransform | , | ||
tformCenter | , | ||
tformUVCenter | |||
) |
Sets FaceUVDataAttributes on the faces passed in and applies a transform to them.
(Note: The 3d transform should only contain 2d (x,y) transformations.) Note if bReaPlaceTransform is true, use the transform directly - this is used with the transform returned from APIGetFaceUVDataTransformReadOnly.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aFaceIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | rTransf3d | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.Transf3d.kIdentity) WSM.Transf3d |
[in] | bReplaceTransform | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | tformCenter | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | tformUVCenter | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Point2d |
json WSM.APISetImageData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | , | ||
sName | , | ||
nTextureID | , | ||
fAlphaValue | , | ||
bFeaturesVisible | , | ||
aCornersVector | |||
) |
APISetImageData sets data to image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID, sName, nTextureID, fAlphaValue, aCorners Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
[in] | sName | String |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
[in] | fAlphaValue | double |
[in] | bFeaturesVisible | bool |
[in] | aCornersVector | Array of WSM.Point3d |
json WSM.APISetLayerData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nLayerID | , | ||
name | , | ||
bDisplayed | |||
) |
Set the data of a layer.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nLayerID | int |
[in] | name | String |
[in] | bDisplayed | bool |
json WSM.APISetLayersDisplayed | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLayerIDs | , | ||
bDisplayed | |||
) |
Set the display flag of layers without affecting the other data.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLayerIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bDisplayed | bool |
json WSM.APISetLevelsData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aLevelIDs | , | ||
aLevelsData | |||
) |
APISetLevelsData sets the elevation and name properties on Level.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aLevelIDs, aLevelsData Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aLevelIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aLevelsData | LevelDataType |
json WSM.APISetLocalCoordinateSystem | ( | nHistoryID | , |
transf3d | |||
) |
Set the LCS (local coordinate system) of the given History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, transf3d Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | transf3d | WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APISetMaterialColor | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMaterialID | , | ||
nColor | |||
) |
APISetMaterialColor sets the color on a Material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMaterialID, nColor Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
[in] | nColor | WSM.Color |
json WSM.APISetMaterialData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMaterialID | , | ||
nColor | , | ||
dHorizontalScale | , | ||
dVerticalScale | , | ||
nTextureID | , | ||
sMaterialName | , | ||
sMaterialIdentifier | , | ||
aAdditionalRenderData | , | ||
aAdditionalTextures | |||
) |
APISetMaterialData sets all the data of a Material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMaterialID, nColor, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID, sMaterialName, sMaterialIdentifier, aAdditionalRenderData, aAdditionalTextures Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
[in] | nColor | WSM.Color |
[in] | dHorizontalScale | double |
[in] | dVerticalScale | double |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
[in] | sMaterialName | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | sMaterialIdentifier | (OPTIONAL) String |
[in] | aAdditionalRenderData | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstring |
[in] | aAdditionalTextures | (OPTIONAL) vectorpairstringsize |
json WSM.APISetMaterialTexture | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nMaterialID | , | ||
dHorizontalScale | , | ||
dVerticalScale | , | ||
nTextureID | |||
) |
APISetMaterialTexture sets the texture properties on a Material.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nMaterialID, dHorizontalScale, dVerticalScale, nTextureID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
[in] | dHorizontalScale | double |
[in] | dVerticalScale | double |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
json WSM.APISetObjectProperties | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
sObjectName | , | ||
bReportAreaByLevel | , | ||
aDefaultLevelIDs | |||
) |
Sets the properties of a given object (Body): A name and if that particular body reports its area by level or not.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, sObjectName, bReportAreaByLevel, aDefaultLevelIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | sObjectName | String |
[in] | bReportAreaByLevel | bool |
[in] | aDefaultLevelIDs | (OPTIONAL) Array of int |
json WSM.APISetObjectsLevels | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
aLevelsIDs | |||
) |
APISetObjectsLevels sets the Levels pointed by aLevelsIDs to objects pointed by aObjectIDs.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, aLevelsIDs Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aLevelsIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APISetObjectsMaterial | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
nMaterialID | |||
) |
APISetObjectsMaterial sets a material for the given object.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, nMaterialID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | nMaterialID | int |
json WSM.APISetRevitFamilyInformation | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bIsGeneratedFromRFA | , | ||
bIsGeneratedFromBuiltinRFA | , | ||
familyCategory | , | ||
familyReference | , | ||
familyType | , | ||
familyExtraData | |||
) |
APISetRevitFamilyInformation sets Revit Family information of the history.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, bIsGeneratedFromRFA, bIsGeneratedFromBuiltinRFA, familyCategory, familyReference, familyType, familyExtraData
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bIsGeneratedFromRFA | bool |
[in] | bIsGeneratedFromBuiltinRFA | bool |
[in] | familyCategory | String |
[in] | familyReference | String |
[in] | familyType | String |
[in] | familyExtraData | String |
json WSM.APISetSatelliteData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nImageID | , | ||
coordinates | , | ||
coordinatesSpan | , | ||
aPixelDimensions | |||
) |
APISetSatelliteData sets satellite data to image object Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nImageID, coordinates, coordinatesSpan, aPixelDim Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nImageID | int |
[in] | coordinates | WSM.Vector2d |
[in] | coordinatesSpan | WSM.Vector2d |
[in] | aPixelDimensions | Array of int |
json WSM.APISetStringAttributeValue | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nStringAttributeID | , | ||
sValue | |||
) |
Sets the value strings for a StringAttribute In: nHistoryID, nStringAttributeID, sValue.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nStringAttributeID | int |
[in] | sValue | String |
json WSM.APISetTextureData | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nTextureID | , | ||
aBitmapData | , | ||
bUseBitmapAlpha | , | ||
sTextureName | |||
) |
APISetTexture data sets the bitmap data on a texture Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nTextureID, sBitmapData, nBytes Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nTextureID | int |
[in] | aBitmapData | Array of char |
[in] | bUseBitmapAlpha | (OPTIONAL, default = true) bool |
[in] | sTextureName | (OPTIONAL) String |
json WSM.APIShell | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nBodyID | , | ||
dDistance | , | ||
aOpenFaceIDs | |||
) |
APIShell shells the given Body by the specified distance.
Faces in aOpenFaceIDs are not offset creating openings into the final Body. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nBodyID, dDistance, aOpenFaceIDs - optional vector of FaceID that are left open Out: JSON_UNDEFINED
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nBodyID | int |
[in] | dDistance | double |
[in] | aOpenFaceIDs | (OPTIONAL) Array of int |
json WSM.APISlice | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDestinationHistoryID | , | ||
nObjectID | , | ||
plane | , | ||
aIgnoreObjects | |||
) |
APISlice When aIgnoreObjects is not empty, only objects that are not part of aIgnoreObjects are sliced.
Note that aIgnoreObjects should only contain top level objects or instances (if not they will be converted to top levels) Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDestinationHistoryID, nObjectID, plane, aIgnoreObjects Out: Vector of new top levels
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDestinationHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | plane | WSM.Plane |
[in] | aIgnoreObjects | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APISliceHistoryReadOnly | ( | nHistoryID | , |
plane | , | ||
aIgnoreObjects | |||
) |
APISliceHistoryReadOnly Slices the history with the Plane creating line points.
When aIgnoreObjects is not empty, only objects that are not part of aIgnoreObjects are sliced. Note that aIgnoreObjects should only contain top level objects or instances (if not they will be converted to top levels) Parameters: In: nHistoryID, plane, aIgnoreObjects Out: Vector point/smooth pairs. A segment is composed of point[2*i] and point[2*i+1] for each segment.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | plane | WSM.Plane |
[in] | aIgnoreObjects | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
json WSM.APISplitAtNonManifoldEdgesAndVertices | ( | nHistoryID | ) |
Changes the model so that every edge on more than two faces and every vertex with more than one edge group is copied so that these conditions no longer occur.
Referenced Histories from Groups are always included in the correction so Deltas in multiple Histories may result from this API. If paChangedHistories is given, all Histories that have been changed will be returned. This API is used for Revit translation. Note non-owned faces with their connected component of faces are put into bodies as a side effect of this operation because overlapping non-owned faces are not expected. In: nHistoryID Out: Vector of changed History IDs
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
json WSM.APISubtract | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID1 | , | ||
nObjectID2 | , | ||
aExtraObjectsIDs | |||
) |
APISubtract Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID1 | int |
[in] | nObjectID2 | int |
[in] | aExtraObjectsIDs | (OPTIONAL) Array of int |
json WSM.APISubtractNonDestructive | ( | blank | , |
tools | |||
) |
APISubtractNonDestructive Parameters: In: blank, tools Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | blank | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | tools | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APISweep | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aProfile | , | ||
aPath | , | ||
bRemoveUnusedProfileAndPath | |||
) |
APISweep creates a sweep from profile and path from Objects in GroupInstancePaths in nHistoryID.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aProfile, aPath, bRemoveUnusedProfileAndPath Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aProfile | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | aPath | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | bRemoveUnusedProfileAndPath | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APITaperFace | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nFaceID | , | ||
dRadians | , | ||
axis | |||
) |
Taper a Face by angle around the given axis The angle of rotation is a radian from -PI/2 to PI/2 The angle of rotation is relative to the direction of the axis and the normal of the face.
If the axis vector is along the positive direction of a coedge then the positive angle will be outward and negative angle will produce an inward taper. Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nFaceID, dRadians, axis Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nFaceID | int |
[in] | dRadians | double |
[in] | axis | WSM.Line3d |
json WSM.APITransformObject | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | , | ||
transf3d | |||
) |
APITransformObject transforms nObjectID by the given transform (transf3d).
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID, transf3d
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID | int |
[in] | transf3d | WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APITransformObjects | ( | nHistoryID | , |
aObjectIDs | , | ||
transf3d | |||
) |
APITransformObjects transforms aObjectIDs by the given transform (transf3d).
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, aObjectIDs, transf3d
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | aObjectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | transf3d | WSM.Transf3d |
json WSM.APIUndoHistory | ( | nHistoryID | , |
bAndDeleteRedo | , | ||
nApplyOnDeltaID | |||
) |
APIUndoHistory undoes History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, bAndDeleteRedo Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | bAndDeleteRedo | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
[in] | nApplyOnDeltaID | (OPTIONAL, default = WSM.INVALID_ID) int |
json WSM.APIUndoHistoryToDelta | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | |||
) |
APIUndoHistoryToDelta undoes History.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID Out: JSON_UNDEFINED;
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | int |
json WSM.APIUndoOrRedoHistoryToDelta | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nDeltaID | , | ||
bAndDeleteRedo | |||
) |
Step backward or forward until the given Delta is reached.
Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nDeltaID, bAndDeleteRedo
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nDeltaID | int |
[in] | bAndDeleteRedo | (OPTIONAL, default = false) bool |
json WSM.APIUnite | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID1 | , | ||
nObjectID2 | , | ||
aExtraObjectsIDs | |||
) |
APIUnite Parameters: In: nHistoryID, nObjectID1, nObjectID2 Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | nHistoryID | int |
[in] | nObjectID1 | int |
[in] | nObjectID2 | int |
[in] | aExtraObjectsIDs | (OPTIONAL) Array of int |
json WSM.APIUniteNonDestructive | ( | blank | , |
tools | |||
) |
APIUniteNonDestructive Parameters: In: blank, tools Out: JSON_UNDEFINED.
[in] | blank | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
[in] | tools | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.APIValidID | ( | nID | ) |
Parameters: In: Out: bool
[in] | nID | int |
json WSM.Color | ( | r | , |
g | , | ||
b | , | ||
a | |||
) |
Color constructs a Color.
Parameter ranges from 0-255 (int). Parameters: In: red, green, blue, alpha Accepts values in the range 0.0-1.0 Out: Color
[in] | r | int |
[in] | g | int |
[in] | b | int |
[in] | a | int |
json WSM.ColorAreEqual | ( | c1 | , |
c2 | |||
) |
json WSM.FacetsBodyData | ( | m_points | , |
m_polygonIndices | , | ||
m_polygonSmoothingIds | , | ||
m_colors | , | ||
m_polygonColorIndices | , | ||
m_pointColors | |||
) |
GroupInstancePath creation method In: m_points, m_polygonIndices, m_polygonSmoothingIds, m_colors, m_polygonColorIndices, m_pointColors Out: FacetsBodyData.
[in] | m_points | Array of WSM.Point3d |
[in] | m_polygonIndices | Array of std.vector |
[in] | m_polygonSmoothingIds | Array of int |
[in] | m_colors | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Color |
[in] | m_polygonColorIndices | (OPTIONAL) Array of int |
[in] | m_pointColors | (OPTIONAL) Array of WSM.Color |
json WSM.GroupInstancePath | ( | objectIDs | ) |
GroupInstancePath takes any form of Objects (GroupInstancePath, GroupInstancePathArray, ObjectHistoryIDArray, ObjectIDArray) and coverts to GroupInstancePath.
Parameters: In: ObjectIDs Out: GroupInstancePath
[in] | objectIDs | WSM.Utils.HistoryObjects |
json WSM.Is32Bit | ( | ) |
Is32Bit returns true if WSM is compiled in 32 bit.
json WSM.ObjectHistoryID | ( | nHistoryID | , |
nObjectID | |||
) |
json WSM.ObjectHistoryIDAreEqual | ( | id1 | , |
id2 | |||
) |
ObjectHistoryIDAreEqual equals method In: ObjectID, ObjectID Out: bool.
[in] | id1 | WSM.ObjectHistoryID |
[in] | id2 | WSM.ObjectHistoryID |